Chapter 92

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The roar of the crowd reverberated through the place; their shouts of anger and disdain outweighed any reason or supporters for the accused messiah, who stood on their spots from below and on the second floor of this stadium.

Not all were against him as some were too afraid of defending the holy man because they knew the risk of angering their fellow brothers and fathers, for there would be consequences if they dare utter a single word in defense of the supposed false king.

Every old priest had surrounded the trio in square formation, half expressing hatred and disgust while others were a mixture of doubt or curiosity about what's happening. They all wore black cassocks with a cross around their necks, just like the rest of them.

An elderly and respected priest raised his hand towards the crowd, which all ceased into silence. "It is time, everyone!" Anna's raspy voice bellowed over the courtyard, taking a couple of steps forward in front of Seth. "Here stands the false prophet, the king, and the so-called messiah!" Calling out before glaring at him in cold detest, "Do you have anything to say yourself, heretic?!"

The other priests stared intently at their former founding father, anticipating anything Seth had to offer, but they also remained weary if he tried pulling any tricks under their noses; some even expected this kind of behavior from their captive, who didn't seem phased by this predicament.

Anna's eyes were steel gray, wrinkles were visible on his face, and his thinning hair was flecked with gray. He looked like an old grandfather who spent his life sitting in a rocking chair on a porch somewhere. The only difference was that his face held a hardened expression. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, and his posture was rigid as if he were expecting a challenge.

The air around them was charged with hostility, and the way he glared at Seth made it clear that he saw the holy man as an enemy. There is nothing but pure animosity towards him as he awaits this holy man's next words, "Well, heretic? Do you have anything to say?" I snapped at the young man once more.

Gus, who was standing at his side, speaking on Seth's behalf, said, "He doesn't deserve any of this!" Defending him valiantly, "Aren't you all his brother or father?!" Shouting in anger as he gestures towards the holy man's person, "don't you have a shred of honor in your hearts?! This man is neither criminal nor evil, but righteous, kind, and just."

Uproar and chaos were unleashed as everyone roared in disagreement to the soldier's words, yelling obscene remarks at him for even daring to speak for Seth in their presence, "What nonsense is that fool talking about?" An elder priest mocked the veteran: "It is not because of his good works but his proclamations!" He declared this to them, earning cheers from the others.

Gus gnashed his teeth as his blood boiled at these accusations being thrown upon the young holy man who remains unfazed, while his nowhere near skilled lawyer; the soldier is well aware how biased the judges here are at this point. "What crime has he committed aside from preaching in the name of God?!" Unable to see any of their actions as just, "What's wrong with proclaiming himself to be the Son of God? Isn't it praise for you all?!"

Cyan stood on the other side of Seth, watching everyone gasp in disgust and shock at hearing him defend their former master and leader like this. Their remarks and shouts became louder than before, aiming directly at the knight himself.

Annas then spoke, yelling at the tall armored man, "So you serve him, the one who calls himself king? If you keep defending him, then you are a traitor to the  Empire."The elderly priest sneered, pointing out his finger at Gus like a sword that penetrated his armor. "How many times will you betray your ruler, knight!?"

The large soldier froze, feeling enraged and shocked at hearing this accusation again: "I am not betraying my queen nor the empire!" He barked in protest, trying to explain his stance: "There is still no reason for me to arrest him," he stated firmly.

"That is treason!" Someone shouted among the crowd as everyone turned towards Seth, who stayed quiet on the sidelines with a calm and silent demeanor. "Anyone who blasphemy God also blasphemy the queen!" Causing many to agree with the statement.

Then Gus felt his own heart sink after listening to these comments being spouted by the other clergymen who appeared to share the same opinion as well: "Your right," admitting with a defeated sigh while glancing at the crowd, "However, its still too soon to—"

"You heard it, haven't you?!" Annas angrily interrupted the large soldier, glaring at him as if he were nothing more than a bug crawling across his foot. "The verdict is that this man is nothing but a false prophet, fraud, and a criminal!" Declaring aloud as Gus bit his tongue in frustration from hearing this, "Take him to  prison now for his public execution!"

Cyan took the decision to say, "Why don't we test Seth if he is who he claims to be?" Suggesting boldly at the option, causing all the elders to turn their cold gaze at her, fuming at the insolent girl's audacity of interrupting them, "It's possible for us to invite the people he had healed," expressing suggestions for others to consider.

"Silent girl!" Annas spat furiously, "Do not interject your foolish opinion into this matter when all of us have already reached a consensus!" He stated indignantly, directing his accusing stare towards her, "especially when women aren't allowed to make the discussions!"

Before Cyan could make a counter argument, one of the elders raised their hand: "Wait, I believe we should hear her out; it doesn't cost us anything if she's right, does it?" He added calmly, offering a chance to speak in their senses, much to everyone's surprise and displeasure.

The girl in question stood straighter upon being granted permission to continue: "Has anyone here tried witnessing these miracles personally?" She inquired with a serious expression before taking a short pause to add in another piece of information.

A young priest who goes by the name Nicodemus yelled from where he stood, "I have seen his miracles!" He explained confidently, "I've seen and experienced them for myself!" Standing behind the row of people on the second floor.

Half of the crowd became astonished at this declaration; others were suspicious, while the rest were skeptical, but it still left the majority speechless at the revelation of someone they knew who experienced Seth's divine powers, to the point where they couldn't deny any further proof.

Nicodemus went on, explaining passionately how the holy man is truly the one who claims to be: "I saw him healed, an exorcise-possessed man!" Some of them gasped in alarm while most remained unaffected by this revelation: "When we came to the town resting in the desert, I witnessed a crowd of people admiring and praising the holy man's miracles while he gave a sermon of the Lord!"

Whispers and mutters of mixed reaction arose among the audience who either doubted or believed in these rumors being spoken: "Not only that, when I questioned many of the people who lived there, they all claimed that this holy man is blessed by God himself," making his point as Nicodemus finished speaking.

This set the whole stadium into an uproar once more as chaos, confusion, and mass hysteria broke out like wildfire, causing everyone to begin discussing amongst themselves about this new information being disclosed to them, while others threw questions out into the air as well.


Annas demanded loudly while raising his fist up in the air, successfully silencing most of them immediately as a result. Afterward, he took a breath of sigh before speaking once again, "If what you say is true, Nicodemus, then he—" Pointing his finger at the serene Seth, "is a magician!" Making the logical conclusion to which most agreed.

"Impossible!" Nicodemus responded sharply, shaking his head as he tried reasoning with his mentor and older father: "No magician would be capable of performing miracles like that!" He declared while firmly planting his foot on the ground, "In fact, everything he does is what the original Son of God would do!"

This enraged the elderly priest as he glared intensely towards the younger cleric, "Foolish boy! You speak without knowledge, so be silent and watch!" Annas retorted sternly, sternly telling off before focusing his attention on Seth again: "Speak up already! How many more excuses do you plan to come up with before answering us honestly, false prophet?!"

Seth gazed straight back into their cold eyes with kindness and gentleness that shone brightly within the dark abyss of their souls. "I am no magician and have never been one; it is true that I heal people, but not through magic or witchcraft but from the glory of God," he explained humbly and confidently. "That is what the Son of God has done to his people, and I do the same; isn't there more to it than that?"

Everyone else who heard these words instantly recognized their familiarity with having encountered or heard similar proclamations before."That sounds so much like him; it can't be a coincidence," someone in the crowd remarked, sending shivers down the spines of other people around them.

"Enough of the heresy!"

Shouting at the top of his lungs, Annas balled up his fists as veins bulged across his forehead before lifting it high into the air like a spear ready to throw itself upon an unsuspecting target. "Fathers! Now is the time to raise your arm high if you agree he should be arrested and die for  blasphemy."He announced fiercely, turning towards the audience members surrounding them.

Each hand raised from the elderly father was like a dagger plunged into the heart of the holy man, who merely bowed his head in acceptance while Gus and Cyan, who were beside him, watched helplessly at the proceedings. Solomon expressed discomfort, and Genno showed a look of pity.

Many of the Christians cried in desperation, wanting this madness to be stopped, as their pleas fell on deaf ears. They were unable to do anything else aside from letting the loud and angry crowd decide the fate of their beloved founder and father.

However, none of them expected that it was half to half who did not want Seth arrested and dead, making Annas and the other elderly fathers who raised their hands become outraged at this once more; "everyone who does not raise their hand is guilty of heresy as well!"

But none of the elders who supported Seth had remained firm in their decision, refusing to back down. "Forgive me, but I don't think he deserves this kind of treatment," one of them uttered, not seeing this young man as a threat despite their misgivings.

Another spoke with a sorrowful tone, "Even if he is a magician or has deluded himself with lies, God's boundless mercy and love are what we must give him," agreeing with their colleague's sentiment about their current situation, "let the Lord judge him rather than us," keeping his eyes closed as he continued.

Seth lifted his head as he observed the results of his trial, noticing how even the vote was, making this inconclusive vote about whether he should live or die "unanimous," Nicodemus said to no one in particular as he too watched the voting with fascination.

The people who were against Seth were throwing insults, shouts, and threats of killing him for his heresy towards their faith. But the voting has been done, and it's even, much to the relief of everyone who trusts the holy man's words.

Annas was disgusted beyond belief, but he knows there is nothing else he can do since the vote was indecisive. "Disappointing!" Bringing his hand down with shame and anger, he said, "However, this isn't over!" Spreading his arms wide, he faced up to the sky with a shout of despair: "We must hold another meeting for tomorrow in regard to this dilemma!" Looking at all his colleagues one by one, "At least we will get proper judgment!"

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