Chapter 23

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The two opposing sides argued endlessly at the sight of downcast Seth as the residents of Lighthaven left after the whole show was over, while he himself remained passive throughout their loud and unpleasant exchange of words. Genno and his students defended him against the furious accusations of the other group.

There were, however, a few nuns and priests that also took sides with him, realizing that whatever path their holy man is taking will lead to a brighter future for them, despite knowing that a proclamation of being the Son of God is considered blasphemous.

"Well, what will it be, Seth?" Mathias called out to him, "Are you going to prove that you are really the Son of God? Or just stand there, dumbfounded?" Smugly smiling as he taunted the other with confidence, he was convinced that their own leader was a fraud and an imposter.

But Sister Tera defended him; her anger grew on her wrinkled face and she shouted in vexation, "How can you insult the very person who saved our lives?!" The old woman was having none of it; she had enough of the church's treatment of the beloved one.

Whether their founder is telling the truth or not, it doesn't change the fact that their benevolent master has given them everything, from food to home to companionship. It should be treasured; it is the most beautiful gift a person could give to others, and she will cherish it with all of her being.

Even Genno spoke on her behalf, saying, "It does not matter if he speaks the truth; my friend has done a selfless act of kindness, and it will be repaid by yours," sternly admonishing the arrogant man. His friend has had enough of being insulted, vilified, and pushed to the point where he simply wants to remind the church's members to treat their hero with dignity and respect.

They don't have to take word of their holy man, but to not belittle and humiliate the person who fought to his very breath in saving them from the massacre that will surely befall their village. He won't hesitate to challenge the priest, for he will not give up on defending his friend until his last breath.

However, most of Seth's disciplines had sided with Mathias, believing that their teacher was indeed a fraud and deceiver and that everything he did was for the sake of power, fame, greed, or even a false prophet. They wanted to believe that he was the best person in their lives, but it was too good to be true in their eyes.

"Liar!" A bald priest with glasses shouted from Mathias side, "No Son of God could come alive, for he had already saved us from our damnation!" Pointing out that the religion they are practicing is clearly in vain and their devotion is pointless, "the prophecy has already been completed!" Stating is a fact in itself.

But another believer countered, "Even if it is, why can't we believe him!?" A nun loudly asked behind Sister Tera, "He is our founder, our friend, and most importantly, the teacher of our faith!" Her words pierced through many hearts that saw this as an opportunity to question the authenticity of their master.

Most of the church weren't swayed by this. "Then let him prove it," Mathias questioned as he stared toward Seth. "Show us if you are truly his son." Aggression in his eyes was evident but nonetheless remained subtle. This caused everyone to fall silent, including Genno and his fellow Buddhists, who were rendered speechless by such a demand.

Slowly, he raised his head up and looked into the man's eyes. "You speak the truth." His answer made his followers gasp in shock at hearing such things in his mouth. Some even shed tears, especially Sister Tera, who was silently crying at this.

"Your truth is from another world," the holy man revealed while wearing a warm smile, "but in this world, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," boldly proclaiming his stance and the belief he has.

Everyone was baffled by this; no one understood what he said, to the point that they lost all thoughts in their minds, unable to comprehend what was happening. Seth was, in a sense, denying them, for he knew it was never the case and that there was more to faith than that.

"Delusional!" Mathias pointed his finger at him and said, "Madman!" His claim convinced many of his brethren and sisters, who agreed on this behalf, completely siding with him. Their hope to receive salvation has vanished like grains of sand, leading to their despair after having to hear such blasphemy.

Tera and the rest who defended their teacher were lost for words, being more inclined toward siding with Mathias, but the love he had shown them was something to behold; it cannot be dismissed as a simple scapegoat in the end.

The wind calmly blows and the grass swayed from side to side. A soothing silence is what lingered around them in these moments, while the sun is setting on the far horizon and night shall befall them at any moment, but the silence is ever more deafening in these times.

None dared to speak but only stare at each other. The few priests and nuns who defended their beloved teacher were conflicted in siding with Seth and Mathias, as on the one hand, they felt cherished in being offered everything they wanted, but on the other, the one they followed was speaking out against any reason in their faith.

Their hesitation was answered by Seth as he looked at them with a reassuring but sad smile. "My disciples," he softly called to them if there were his family. "I have shown you many good works from my Father. What will you do now when I claim that I am the Son of God?" Asking for their answers.

"We know what we should do."

Mathias lowered himself to pick up rocks, followed by others who had done the same: "We don’t stone you for a good work, but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God." He picked up a few more rocks before proceeding, saying, "You will be punished severely for claiming such claims, heretic."

In time, every single person that had sided with him had picked up a piece of stone or rock, ready to throw it in their master's direction with all their might in spite of his crime. There is no mercy, and their minds are filled with wrath.

At that exact moment, Seth knelt down on the green grass, as his knees touched the dirt, putting up prayer with his hands. He closed his eyes and looked up at the heavens above. Tears streamed down his eyes as his eyes were tightly shut. The holy man waited for their retribution.

He has no hate, only a great desire to help the world become a better place to live under God's rule. The young man's heart was full of sorrow, not for himself but for his enemies, wishing to the almighty forgiving them for their misguidance and misunderstanding.

The first stone hurled towards him, striking directly at his bruised, injured, and bloody face. A new gash formed on his forehead as the liquid crimson spilled across the temple's foundation. Yet the founder's body did not flinch; it remained still in this place.

Many more stones flew in the air, striking him across the body, each with an incredible force that was inhumanly possible. Their rage consumed their senses, and the people were blind to what they were doing and all the cries and wailing of cursing the very one who showed them love of God's light.

Genno and Tera, including those who sided with them, were too shocked to see this; their brains were unable to properly function when Seth's own family, who loved them very much, completely turned their backs on him. The monks tried to intervene, but they were all unable to get close as the projectiles were launched towards Seth.

Forcing everyone to stand at a safe distance, most were letting out their frustrations at the man they considered a parental figure, while a few were horrified or saddened to see what their actions had done. To them, it was like they had betrayed their most important person in life.

More and more stones were thrown; the number increased to the point that night had finally fallen upon the land, and the stars shone brightly while the moon's brightness illuminated their figures. They kept going; they didn't stop until all the rocks and stones were all over the man's bloodied body.

Despite this, Seth had prayed with his mind and soul to forgive them, for he knows his father, who is all merciful, would understand that his will is stronger than any material substance on earth. Everything was calm once they threw the last stone, but all of them were tired and sweaty as they panted in exhaustion.

"Is he dead?" One of them asked, panting.

Mathias straightened himself up and wiped the sweat off his brow, "Look at him; he's likely dead by now," staring at the mutilated body of Seth, whose torn clothing was blood stained and filled with many large wounds along his body, "a fitting punishment for his arrogance," then he left as others followed suit in silence.

The remaining few students of Seth who still believe in him were tearfully crying at having to witness his brutal demise. They tried to move, but their legs wouldn't budge, forcing them to remain on the spot while watching in horror at the bloodied body of their founder.

Genno and his monks were too ashamed of themselves for not helping, having frozen themselves in complete shock in their attempt to help but being frozen to the core. They simply stood there, waiting for their senses to return, and immediately attended to him.

Sister Tera ran towards him, swiftly kneeling down and embracing his body, which was still in a praying position. "Oh God, please God!" Her wails of sorrow rang through the night as she held his lifeless body. "I beg of you, Lord! Help him!" The old woman desperately begged while sobbing miserably.

She looked up at the starry sky, clouds obscuring the vision of its brightness. "Please, give him life, Lord! Don't abandon him!" The woman kept her gaze up above, pleading for God's help to save their beloved master: "Do not let your son die on us!" Her tearful eyes were filled with desperation and determination.

Silence was the only thing heard; sadness was on everyone's faces as they knew the Lord worked in mysterious ways, and sometimes this was one of them. Their hearts were filled with pain after witnessing this in front of their very own eyes.

Then a miracle happened: Seth stood up as Sister Tera looked up to him in pure disbelief, unable to believe what she just saw when he appeared to be dead, but to her relief, he is indeed alive. Tears of joy came from her eyes, with her hands closed together in prayer of thanks.

However, these tears were soon replaced with awe when he spread his arms wide open while Tera was underneath him. The sky above them circled around them before opening itself as bright yellow light engulfed his entire body in a bright aura, shining in a divine golden hue and filled with luminosity.

A bright, warm smile appeared on the holy man's face, and everyone who saw this was overwhelmed by it. Their mouths agape, and their eyes widened to this. No words can describe what they are seeing, nor will anything be enough. It is as if they were given a sign from heaven, which may well be true.

All who have seen this have opened their eyes, for they know now that he is indeed the Son of God.

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