Chapter 53

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Patiently waiting for Genno to exit the passageway, Seth sat on the couch where he had placed Bruno a few minutes prior on his side. I was worried sick about not only the poet's condition but also the outcome of the monk's battle with that possessed young woman.

He cannot imagine losing two important individuals in his life on the same day, as if he has to bear the burden of guilt and responsibility after having lost his previous companions. It still hurts him this day, even after having proclaimed to himself many times that he moved on with their deaths.

Still, the intrusive thoughts still didn't help matters in the slightest, where this evil whisper in his ear constantly asks questions such as, "Would it have been better if I died?" or "How does it feel to be all alone after witnessing everyone close to you die horribly in front of you?"

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that these whispers are caused by negative feelings lingering deep within him, presumably the cost of being in the flesh in this doomed world. However, his faith in his heavenly father and his willpower to keep moving are as strong as ever, despite how depressing and gloomy reality seems to be.

"You will fail."

The ominous voice of a man echoes through his skull, looking down at his trembling hands with shaking breaths that escaped his mouth while sweating in nervousness at the idea of succumbing to the darkest corner of his heart. A terrible affliction that haunts him every day.

"Worthless, do not lie to yourself about thinking that you are capable of helping others when all you've ever done is be a constant nuisance to yourself and others," it continued to say in a condescending manner that reminded him of the past experiences from his early childhood, where people viewed him as an outcast.

Seth tried so hard to deny this inner voice, reminding him that it was merely a figment of imagination formed from his trauma and depression stemming from the past, but still, the voice continues its relentless assault on his psyche, trying to bring him into darkness.

"Give up, give in the despair that has always been present within you," its coos of deceit penetrated the very fabric of his soul, infecting it like an infectious plague, spreading rapidly throughout his mind and soul. "You were always a little bitch, just a sad little boy who dreams of being accepted when all he received was mockery and rejection."

Tears started to run down his cheeks while he bit his lower lip as he struggled against this unbearable torment by clutching onto his own hair and gritting his teeth in attempts to not give in. "Please...stop," he whispered quietly to himself.

The sinister whispers of self-deprecation continued their efforts, worsening Seth's state of mind. "Why struggle? You can't stop me; I'm you." The disembodied voice hissed at its prey like venom, "the real you. The coward who always hides behind false confidence, the impostor that wears a mask to disguise his true nature as a useless failure," delights itself in its victory over the holy man.

He can feel the darkness closing him in, swallowing him whole until nothing remains except pure insanity for everything—everyone and himself. The temptation to give in to its lies is strong, so powerful that Seth began having difficulty accepting defeat from it.

In addition to the chaotic thoughts playing in his mind, it became extremely difficult to think of something to focus on to keep his sanity intact from crumbling into madness. Suddenly, he saw a small light illuminating through the thick black smoke of endless despair in his head that was trying to consume him entirely.

As that light came closer, new thoughts came, unlike the others. It wasn't evil or painful, but one that came from the Holy Spirit itself. Light so pure of hope, like a flickering star in the night sky, gave warmth of love, telling him he isn't alone any longer.

Having learned a peculiar technique, he calmly inhaled and exhaled with strong focus in this lonesome thought alone that entered his mind, denying those tiny whispers who tried their hardest to manipulate him into accepting its illusionary offers of fulfilling his sinful desires.

"No one loves you."

"You are a murderer."

"What will they think of you?"

Raising his hands in prayer position, he kept it steady without moving an inch, letting his consciousness roam free as he visualized that light he saw coming from the depths of his own subconscious. Allowing it to consume every fiber of his being, protecting Seth from the inevitable corruption of those cursed voices.

In his imagination, he sees himself being protected by the holy spirit himself after closing his eyes, easing his soul from the temptations of corruption brought on by his own negative emotions. "Just give up and become a demon already," the dark voice said. "It'll make things easier for everyone."

However, his heart was in the right place when he felt the spirit of God flowing through him like a pure white river of flowing light, warming his core as if it's a sun radiating warmth from its surface while brightening the area around Seth's entire being with a blinding glow of holiness.

Seth understood a very important lesson when this corrupted world has forgotten what it is like to be happy. Forgetting how beautiful the world can be if everyone were united as one like before, never shall it forget how cruel it is to be consumed by its own selfishness.

They would never understand that the Lord will always come to help them through tough times in mysterious ways. God alone loved the world that much, despite how disappointed he had become towards sinful humans. It may sound like a fairy tale for him to be saying such things, but to Seth, it is truly a fact that can never be denied.

He can feel the dove of holy radiance flying around him, like a gentle wind blowing softly against his face as it brushes gently through his black hair with a feather-light touch in comfort before resting atop his left shoulder, rubbing against his cheek as to remind everyone and himself.

That God shall always be by their side for those who bring Him into their lives. The Lord will never forsake. He will share the pain and hold the person's hand as he or she goes through hardships. For once they believe in the Son in their hearts, then death comes to the person.

Heaven will have them forever in its arms, and even then, they will be forgiven for all of their sins, leading them to the gates of eternal paradise, where they will have peace. It is a dream for anyone that they can reach just by believing in both the Lord and the Son themselves.

No more pain, no more painful thoughts, no more suffering from being surrounded by the suffering and hateful people around him; only serenity, tranquility, and freedom from earthly sorrow and grief plagued humanity after Satan chose to commit the first sin before Adam brought it into the world.

His hand gracefully touched his right shoulder, breaking away his trance immediately as his eyes flashed open wide. "Hey, Seth?" Bruno's voice echoed through the air, bringing the young man's attention to his awakened friend, who had surprised him.

"You...your awake!"

Embracing Bruno into his arms, he hugged the bewildered poet, who quickly reciprocated his actions with faint chuckles coming out of his mouth while patting on Seth's back to assure his friend that he was okay. Having been deathly worried about the man's condition,.

"It takes more than a crazed lady to kill me off, I assure you," Bruno laughed happily at seeing his friend worried sick for his well-being, "still, I appreciate it a lot. But anyway, what happened after I went out cold?" He asked intriguingly, withdrawing their wholesome embrace.

Seth smiled weakly after everything he had been forced to do. "It's complicated, but do you know how you ended up in that state?" The holy man asked of the other man, who was clearly confused at the inquiry alone, "By any chance, did someone happen to be near you before you fainted?"

Visible sweat starts to run down Bruno's forehead as his friend is curious about what actually happened. "Well, uh, you see..." He stuttered while scratching his own neck with a sheepish grin appearing on his face. "I, uh, after I accidentally found an entrance that leads to their secret basement, one of them caught me and knocked me out cold," carefully explaining his tale to the younger man.

A sigh of relief escaped from his mouth. "At least you are alive." Seth expressed gratitude, glad that he managed to find the missing friend safe and sound. The sigh of contentment abruptly stopped when they approached footsteps from the passageway.

Turning to the darkened hall leading downstairs, they gulped nervously about who was going to appear at the entrance. Whether it was the possessed young woman or Genno who came out as the victor, they braced themselves in case anything were to happen.

To their surprise, it was none other than the monk himself, who was seemingly unhurt but tired from all the fighting he had been through. Both men were happy to know now that the three of them have actually survived another encounter with death alone.

"Come on," Genno tiredly said as he stared at his companions, despite the fact that Bruno was already awake. "We can't stay here any longer." He urged them to follow him as the cabin they thought to be safe was in fact a dangerous place to be.

Seth stood up and rushed to his friend's side. "What happened? Did you...kill her?" His last sentence made the monk shake his head negatively, much to their confusion and further relief to the holy man after finding out the young woman isn't dead.

"Oh, thank heavens. So then, she's—"

"Gone, disappeared at that. I don't know what kind of magic that demon did, but Alisha is definitely gone by now," Genno affirmed of his claims. Although he doesn't want to kill anyone in his entire life, he has no choice but to defend himself.

Taking a step back, Seth felt conflict on this; there is doubt he felt angry about what Alisha had done to his friends, having hurt them greatly. However, just like his heavenly father, who is enriched with mercy and love, he just can't bring himself to be vengeful in regards to what has occurred.

Perhaps the most significant mistake is Seth's failure to see through their facade and redeem them for their actions beforehand, missing the opportunity to bring out their goodness and potential in doing good works for everyone and the Lord.

But he can still forgive them despite what they have done to those he cherishes. Although it will hurt more if they continue their activities, Seth knows they will eventually repent for their sins, and they will be given another chance.

The greater the sinner, the greater the mercy that God will have. Genno's reassurance also calmed him down to a considerable extent, but only time will tell what the future will bring. "Then we need to get out of this place; it is far more dangerous than I initially thought," he concluded, having come to a decision.

Bruno rose from the couch, agreeing with the holy man's advice: "You are absolutely right; I don't think staying here will be a good idea. Especially after what they did," he agreed wholeheartedly as he walked to the exit, where Genno followed suit.

Seth held his cross with a solemn look, staring at it for a few seconds with thoughts of wonder at what more the evils of this world would throw at them. But he is sure that together, they can overcome the obstacles thrown in their paths, despite the hardships they will always have to face.

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