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"My little children, I will be with all of you a little longer."

The soft and melancholic tone of man, along with other voices speaking in different languages or tones, spoke in grief as the Lord manifested himself in the created dimension of this world, separated from the realm, the celestial, and reality itself. As such, God revealed himself in a golden robe, sitting upon his majestic throne, for a rainbow surrounded the whole place with his feet barely touching the vast waters below.

He watched this world Seth has been sent to, having heard all his children cry and plead for his help. But as much as he wanted to interfere and bring everyone to his kingdom, the heavenly father had allowed everyone to have a choice in picking the right path to walk onto.

With each passing day, sin was always present in this world. And with the introduction of sin by Lucifer himself, it then spread corruption itself, which slowly crept into the minds of all humanity, for they were all sinners in his eyes.

But for all the wickedness and evilness man continues to spread in the devil's name, there will also be justice, righteousness, and kindness that oppose it. For it is up to both the people of good and bad hearts to choose the fate in which they want to.

Yet even though righteousness still sins in one form or another, they are not completely without fault, for they are not perfect like him. That's why he has given them his chosen prophets to lead everyone into his glory.

For some of them, they will become the ultimate and final sacrifice of the sins man have committed and will continue to commit. Until a chosen one completes such a task, then those who trustfully believe in the sacrificial lamb while turning away sin shall be eternally rewarded in his kingdom.

Then he sensed their incoming presence, for all his omniscience; he always knows what will happen, but he does not reveal them, thus The Father doesn't stop the events from happening. It is best to see them play out as much as he wishes he could've stopped it.

In a split second, the Lord closed his eyes to keep himself from letting out tears of sadness as The Order Gods arrived at this temporary home, divine beings that spiritually live across reality, exiting also as concepts in spheroidal space. Their power was acknowledged by God but not absolute in comparison.

Even the Lord is supreme, the one above all, omnipotent, and incapable of being defeated, for he is the one who creates and destroys. It is the truth itself and the law of the universe. And it will remain unchanged until the end of time and space themselves.

The Great Divines are Remnas, Eden, Riella, and Zodther, as they hovered through the space around him with their own respective appearances. They stand before the supreme creator, who is far superior to them in every way possible—something not even the order gods or other deities themselves will ever hope to achieve.

Remnas is the order god of honor, war, and justice. He is often depicted as a warrior clad in armor and carrying a sword. Though not cruel per se, he's often seen as a stern, harsh father figure to his children. In art, he's typically shown as a man with a shield and spear, or a lion-headed warrior. His symbols are a shield and a sword.

Eden is the order goddess of hope, growth, and cure. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman wearing green clothing and a crown of flowers. She is associated with springtime and the renewal of life. Eden is often seen as a patron goddess of nature and the environment. She is also associated with the power of healing.

Riella is the order goddess of love, charity, joy, peace, and labor. She is represented as a beautiful woman who always wears a red dress. She is depicted as having a sweet voice and an enchanting dance. In her right hand, Riella holds a lyre, and in her left hand, a bouquet of flowers.

Zodther is the god of wisdom, patience, discovery, and knowledge. He is associated with the element of air and is often depicted as an old man in a flowing robe or as a winged serpent. He is revered by scholars and magicians alike and is said to have been a god of magic as well.

And yet, the divines were in awe and shocked by the unlimited power and benevolence emitting from an entity who claimed to be the creator of everything, their faces filled with intriguing expressions to the point they tried to sense his intents for this world but couldn't, learning how unmatched they are.

God observed these pagan gods with great contempt; he has seen so many of his children being hurt by those who claim to be divine, worshiping them while forgetting the Lord who created them in the first place. Despite how much he despises the false gods, the almighty is tolerant enough to know that they are part of his creation. "What brings your presence here?" The heavenly father asked with many voices following behind while already knowing the answer to that question.

The clad armored warrior then spoke on behalf of the other deities: "We have sensed your presence in our world, and we're wondering what your intent is." Remnas expressed his curiosity while at the same time being cautious of the situation in which he and everyone else are.

"I am that I am."

Confusion and whispers among the gods' hearts were clear to the one who is above them all, watching them with everlasting disappointment, sadness, and also pity. God saw how they didn't understand the concept of himself, even though these deities have long lived their days.

While he has no respect for those who demand worship, he is nonetheless forgiving if they let down their status and kneel before him as their true God. For all their divinity, they are nonetheless part of his creation, and mercy will always be available.

Nonetheless, he could sense their discomfort and awaited the leader of the group. Yet, it was in vein as Remnas suddenly ignited in flame and anger at the Lord's presence, glaring at the master of creation, "You will speak to us! We do not care who or what you are! For it is apparent that you are a  threat."The warrior god demanded an explanation.

Slow to anger, God looked down on the gods, who stared back at him with intense hostility but also fear of his very existence. "Of that, I will give you none." The Almighty said with his tone of voice, "To demand of me is a folly and arrogant that comes from the lips of the fallen." He added further, "Lest you fail to heed my warnings and will, then your arrogance shall come to be justified."

Long before, God would have wrathfully punished these false gods if they dared speaking to him or any of his beloved prophets in such manner. However, it was a different story now that he is growing lenient at some level, especially when his favored son was sacrificed.

Growing tired of the warrior god's demands, the master of everything said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with me, and the Word was God," declaring his omnipotence to The Great Divines, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

Then Remmas had enough, with the sword drawn out of thin air, causing it to spark with blazing flames. The deity of war attempted to threaten the one who is infinitely more powerful than all of them combined: "I DEMAND OF YOU TO SPEAK!" shouting in anger as the other deities followed suit, asking who the Lord really is, making the three who sided with him continue to ask question after question, being passively aggressive about their disdain for him.

The master of creation didn't speak, letting them say their thoughts instead where the Lord waited for them to realize they had no power against him. So, they can be on their knees, seek forgiveness for their mistakes, and accept the word of his light.

In this created dimension, time has no meaning, but in the eyes of the Lord, a span of several millennia has passed, and his anger has finally reached at breaking point regardless how much it pains him to unleash his wrath against these blind beings, like a loving father scolding his children.


God spoke those words with powerful force as his whole body and throne glowed brighter than ever, resulting in a shockwave that rippled across the entire dimension itself. It caused the sky to break apart as it reverberated to its very core.

The four deities fell on their knees in the waters, unable to feel themselves getting up, but as they were about to speak, an invisible hand gently touched each of their hands, comforting them while also sending calming emotions to them.

As the Order Gods felt these positive emotions, they raised their heads in amazement while looking at the figure, who appeared before them as they witnessed his holy visage. "Oh, you misguided children of mine. If only you had eyes to see and ears to hear, you may have understood who I am and who you are meant to serve. For only then will you realize what you have done and ask for forgiveness as I grant it to you." The Lord said to the Order Gods.

Having his anger temporarily resided, God softly spoke to them: "I know what you all seek, and it troubles me to see how my fallen angels began to deceive the children of man to commit horrendous sins. For their actions, I have allowed Lucifer and his followers to live their lives however they see fit," remorseful of how he has allowed such things to happen.

However, he never allowed it to pass on further as it would taint his creation in complete darkness. "It is why I will help you all, free them from sin so they can be brought into my kingdom to be at rest forever more," he smiled warmly at them, as the deities could not help but be amazed.

The Lord explained further, "I shall forgo the one who devoted his entire life for me," his heart throbbed painfully in giving his treasured ones who took up the cross and followed him, "with Seth, I will bring upon this world for you to prosper into peace. As the many years that will come, he will have faith in aiding all of you through your darkest days."

Neither of the order gods could say a single word, nor could they think of how to respond. Instead, they can only nod in acknowledgement in hopes of receiving his blessing. As with all their power and influence, they are limited in their manifestation in the physical world.

But God has no issue with it; he is capable of doing what they can't do, and his love for his creations is endless. It is why he shall go beyond what no other gods have done: "For Seth is a truly blessed child who has never denied his faith in the teachings I have given; he shall become the next chosen one as his will is set in stone. A witness to your people," she said, smiling at them, "so as you wish to protect your people from the evils they have brought, I shall be the one to intervene when needed."

As he stood up, he spread his arms and opened them wide, showing off his boundless kindness and mercy. "Accept his words, and Seth will guide you. Even when the coming tribulation strikes, he will be there for all of you as the father I have become. The light and savior for all that come in this world, just as many of the other realms I have offered," stating as his glory shone brightly upon the Order Gods.

"Now go!"

God ordered the gods to depart: "Watch my only saved lamb to accomplish his mission of your world through the trials that shall come forth. Through his salvation, I shall become one with all of you once more in this world. All will be welcomed to the kingdom as I await to greet them in eternity."

The order gods then left, vanishing without trace. They returned to their own realms, allowing the master of creation to be alone but not alone. God has sat and tearfully sobbed, grieving losing the many devoted sons and daughters of his for all eternity as it brings him anguish.

Grieving the many more losses to come in these terrible years. As much as he wants to prevent such suffering, he knows not to interfere more than necessary, for all are given the choice, while Seth's journey must be completed in order to save as many souls.

For God loves all unconditionally; no matter how many times they deny, sin, or do not believe in him, he loves them always. Thus, the father must endure as many centuries of torment to be over with, all in hope of gathering as many good hearts to be united in one at his kingdom.

And if Seth chooses to become the lamb, then God's heart shall break into millions of pieces across the heavens.

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