Chapter 111

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Throwing the last body into the pity they have all dug throughout the morning, Gus and Solana catch their breaths after handling many of the deceased bodies by themselves with nothing but their dedication to do the right thing by giving them a proper burial.

"You think that's all of them?" He asked, staring down at the mass grave they all prepared for hours before, "better than just burn them, I suppose," scratching his beard thoughtfully for a few seconds, "no offense to them, but it's seemingly impossible to give each person that died on the cross their own proper burial."

She nodded in understanding, feeling some guilt about everything that had happened. "It would be the least we could do when Muriel left us to do this duty alone." Lifting her head up, she sees the dozens of wooden crosses now unoccupied as the night has already come.

Looking down at the poor souls, Gus stared at these corpses they had thrown into the makeshift hole they recently burrow; sounds of mosquitoes and flies entering their burial as the pests began to feast on the flesh that's still fresh.

Then the smell entered their nostrils like a foul odor—the smell of decaying meat, rotting bones, and maggot-infested organs mixed with other insects that feasted on them as maggots and other disgusting insects began to show themselves on their skins.

Slowly eating them away while the two almost vomited at the invading smell that had just assaulted their senses. In response, she quickly turned around and commented about it: "Let's get out of here, Gus," covering her mouth from the growing nausea and revulsion. "We will burn these bodies tomorrow," she suggested, making him also turn and look at her with surprise.

"I suppose that's a good idea..." Gus answered in an unsure manner, "But it sounds wrong to do so," finding the courage to take one final glance over his own shoulder at the horrid sight itself. "Is there anyway we can give them a better resting place?"

The general sighed as her own eyes closed for a brief moment before opening them up. "I really do, but I doubt anyone would help us, and the bodies will attract all sorts of animals, including new diseases, if we let them remain in our soil." She started to explain, placing a gloved hand on his shoulder for assurance, "It's for the best of both worlds that we rid of them while taking responsibility for not only letting them perish in such cruel death but also being part of it."

"Guess so..." Muttering under his breath with a shared look of remorse for having to make an unpleasant decision, "It's just rude not to give them at least something to put inside this ditch in their honor," now sounding saddened by the very reality they must live in.

Giggling a bit from this response, "You changed, didn't you?" Smiling from this realization, "You weren't always this empathic to anyone who isn't a soldier of the Empire," she remarked with a raised eyebrow, finding it somewhat strange how someone like him can change over time.

Averting his face away, shame and uncertainty filled him all at once as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "I had some time to reflect on the things I did to others after Seth managed to defeat me in duel." Being reminded of that moment itself, he continued on this topic without hesitation, "for it's worth considering the possibility that everyone is more than just tools and objects to be used, right?"

For a brief moment, she stared at him with careful eyes, unsure of what to say about his sudden change of behavior, but nonetheless, she saw how sincere it was, and that made her nod in agreement, "I can see that as well, Gus." She agreed quietly, making her smile as they prepared for themselves to walk alongside each other side by side.

Taking a couple of steps forward together, Cyan and John the Baptist approached them from a short distance, having watched the two loyal subjects of the Empire give the dead prisoners at least some proper resting place, even if it was not proper.

Stopping just a few meters away, John then spoke up with a satisfied smile on his face, "We had watched you two work hard," commenting that observation with a simple tone, "because of that, the Lord is forever grateful to those who honor Him through their deeds and works," he praised as his smile only widens further when seeing Gus lowering his head in shame.

"Come now," his eyes focusing on the large man, "why must you shower yourself with self-loathing?"Have you not learned that the Father in Heaven has already forgiven you for your sins?" Trying to make some sense out of this situation, "God knows all that is in your heart," he added as a matter of fact.

But this comment had only earned guilt on Gus. "Preacher," he said to the old man as he slowly lifted his head up towards him. "I can't do much in giving them a proper funeral; it's our fault that they are dead," he said, staring down at the preacher with a hardened face. "They deserve better than this, but no one else is willing to help with us, so this is the only solution to our problem."

Noticing Cyan and Solana glancing between him and Gus, John nodded understandably before saying, "We are only human, not God," correcting their false belief of being perfect, "even so, all He asks you to do is repent and believe in His Son while glorifying the Lord through good works to others and oneself," smiling reassuringly at the confused men, "we are weakened by the flesh, but in heaven, the body will be perfect and clean for all eternity."

Cyan and Solana blinked at that statement, thinking it over for themselves before turning their heads over to each other in confusion. "What is he talking about?" I asked the general, trying to find some sense in the old man's words.

Shrugging, the little magician has no clue what's being said other than religious stuff that she honestly didn't bother paying attention to. "I have no idea," she admits, admitting that she lacks knowledge of Christianity and other religions that aren't related to her deity, Zodther.

"What now?" Solana spoke, unable to think of anything else aside from continuing their assigned duty as the Empire's subjects, "We have nothing left for us to do until Cinder sends out her order," glancing over her shoulder at the pit they have created with nothing but hard work.

Sighing tiredly, Cyan nodded and said, "Then I will return to my library and read some books like I always do," indifference written on her face. "Although I'll be studying more about this new movement Seth has made," she said with deep fascination in her voice.

The general shrugged at her curiosity but made no objections against it as she remained silent on the topic, turning her head towards Gus and seeing nothing but unsure of what to do next. "You, Gus?" She questioned him, raising a brow in hopes of gaining his full attention.

Staring at Solana, he responded with, "I don't know," lowly murmuring while his mind races through hundreds of thoughts and ideas at once, "perhaps I'll just return to my training or drink myself to sleep, who knows," being uncertain for himself whether or not to be productive.

Looking at the man she considered a good friend, Solana couldn't get a clue as to what he was thinking other than the fact that he was likely saddened by everything that had happened. While she would try to comfort him at this time, it was best to let him deal with his own issues for his own good. "Very well then," she said with a firm nod of understanding before turning her eyes to the elderly preacher.

"And you," she inquired, seeing that the old man was just standing there with a contented appearance as if he were prepared to do something else of importance that she alone was incapable of knowing. "Where will you be heading, Mister Baptist?"

Without looking away, he calmly replied with his eyes half-closed as he addressed the young general, "returning to my wandering ways in order to spread the good news about the kingdom of God coming in its way and the salvation that the sacrificed messiah had brought unto this world."

Confused and disbelieving, Cyan tilted her head as she stared up at him on her side. "Why don't you come and live with us? The Empire would gladly welcome you," she suggested with a pleasant smile before shifting her gaze downwards while awkwardly playing with her hands, "and I'm pretty sure that they'll be happy to listen to the words you speak."

To this, John looked up in thought for a brief moment before smiling gently back at the girl. "Thank you, but I am afraid to decline that generous offer," he politely refused. "It is the Lord's will that everyone needs to know about His glorious name," he explained in absolute honesty.

"Is that so?"

The little girl answered in disbelief, staring down at the ground with nothing but occupied thoughts entering her mind like an army. She tries to understand the rationale behind this reasoning but can't seem to understand why an old man would waste his life over a silly thing.

There were no noise except for the sound of their own breathing and heartbeat drumming in their ears as the awkward silence in the air quickly enveloped their entire being where the calm, moving breeze blew past them and caused the group to shiver lightly from it.

However, they were not bothered by it, as they took solace in one another's presence despite the obvious discomfort they're feeling while still standing there in their respective spots, immersed in their own little world, thinking of nothing more than being alone.

Aside from this awkward moment they are having, it's hard for them to speak up and try to make a conversation meaningful to anyone in this situation, where it's nearly impossible for them to come up with anything remotely intelligent that fits this situation perfectly.

Though the air felt cold and dry, a slight warmth could still be felt beneath the night sky, where the bright moon shone down upon the small group as its rays illuminated them in a gentle glow. That is when they realized how long they stood in silence, ignoring all the surrounding activities around them.

Until Cyan fell down on her knees, catching everyone's surprise. "What's wrong?!" Solana quickly asked in concern while running over to the girl's aid, "Are you hurt somewhere!?" Worried about the child's safety and well-being.

Sweat profusely came down from her forehead as her own breath became rapid while she gazed downward at the earth itself, not even bothering to focus on anyone but the dirt underneath her while the cold, strong breeze blew against them all.

Gus went over to her, showing the same look on his face as he knelt down beside her. "Hey, did you hit your head or something?" He joked, hoping to lighten the mood, only to receive an angry glare from his superior, "I suppose not," nervously laughing with a raised voice.

Returning to the girl, Solana tried her best to calm herself, but it proved difficult given how panicked Cyan appeared to be. "Say something! We need to know what's wrong before things get any  worse."She pleaded desperately while examining the small girl for any signs of illness or injury.

Finally, Cyan opened her mouth to say, "Something is coming, something so overwhelming and powerful..." She said hoarsely, her throat suddenly feeling incredibly dry while her own heart beat frantically within her chest as her breathing intensified. "I can't describe it; its—"


Everyone turned their heads onto the frozen preacher, his eyes glued in front of him. "Lord, show mercy on your faithful servant." Dropping his staff, he lowered his body and forehead towards the ground while making no attempt to explain the reason: "Please, Lord, they wished to be saved!" He prayed fervently, ignoring the perplexed expressions on their faces as they gawked at him as though he were some kind of madman.

"What's going?" Gus said as he stood up and approached him, "Hey John, can't you see that we're worried here?" More than ready to pull the man's shoulders up and shake him awake, he stopped when he felt a familiar presence coming their way.

"Hear my cries, O God; listen to my supplications. From the lions' den, from the monster's mouth, guide us, Lord!" John professed loudly, putting all his faith into it while his fingers dug deeply into the grassy dirt.

"Save us, redeem us, and rescue us by your might. For you are gracious, Lord. Don't condemn your flock, the company of your inheritance, and the people of your redemptive acts to perish in everlasting misery. Deliver them from the power of the sword, from the clutches of the dog, and from the grip of the lion. Grant us Your mercy and bring us to a perfect deliverance! Just as you've promised."

Then an overwhelming feeling came like a strong hurricane wind, causing many hairs to stand up in shock while goosebumps rose through their skin, not the bad kind but the good kind, as if their bodies moved by themselves.

Standing up, the three turned around to see where the pit they had made, showing nothing above it aside from the obvious smell and bodies they had all thrown into. They were confused as the preacher continued his maddening prayers.

Solana, Cyan, and Gus can't get a clue why their own bodies moved by themselves; it is even stranger what they are looking at aside from the sudden strong feeling and seeing nothing more than an empty hole that is present in front of them.

Bright white light suddenly manifested before them, hovering over the pit as an illuminating figure, then forming, "What...what is that?" In all her years as a general, Solana had never seen anything like this nor expected to encounter any supernatural events that involved spirits.

The light grew brighter and warmer as its presence became increasingly intense with every passing second. Finally, what or who appeared before them was the man they had all thought to be dead. Seth stood on air, wearing a bigger robe and crown made out of gold.

"Why did you prosecute me?"

Seth's expression showed not smiles or contentment but indifference and likely wrath behind his harsh tone of voice, causing the trio to stare at him with awe and fear as their minds registered his question and wondered what the Holy Man meant by asking this question.

No one knows whose he is referring to; could it be Gus? Solana? The Preacher? Perhaps Cyan herself? But one thing is for sure: the Son then gave out a pleasant smile: "Now get up and return to the city, for you will be told what to do." As he said these words, he vanished without trace, bringing the rotting corpses along with him as a result.

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