Chapter 57

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"Is it true?"

Closing the door behind her after telling Cinder about her vision, Cyan nodded in confirmation as she adjusted her glasses. "Yes, Seth is coming to the capital, but there is—" She was interrupted by the laughter that erupted from the queen herself, who shows no signs of stopping anytime soon, finding the news delightful to hear.

Cinder had grown impatient with waiting, year after year of searching, and so far, the beloved she has waited for nearly forever is decisively coming to her city just to meet with her and the man she deeply craved. How the divines have graced her today.

She lowered her hands from the mouth as her laughter gradually died down, still wearing a devilish smile on her lips. "Where is he now?" She inquired curiously, leaning her butt onto the desk's edge with folded arms underneath her breasts, "Tell me where, and I will make sure to capture him in my loving embrace," grinning like an impatient child.

Her own reaction was very enthusiastic, filled with excitement at knowing Seth was coming back to the city in order to reunite with her once more. She missed him terribly and how much her lustful heart is yearning to be reunited with him and give him a proper welcome in the capital.

This is finally it. Cinder has to control herself from breaking down in euphoria while awaiting his arrival. It is so sudden for her, thinking that he'd never come back to the place he once loathed with all of his being, and yet he still came back to her. It shows how much he loves her.

And this really aroused Cinder, as she shuddered at the mere thought of taking his virginity in the most lewd and sinful ways possible that he would find absolutely pleasing in every single way. There are so many things she will do to his body that she can't stop herself from blushing heavily.

Noticing the queen's unusual demeanor, Cyan cautiously approached the ruler and lightly tapped his arm in order to snap out of it. "Your majesty," she politely called out to the woman with caution in her tone, "is there something the matter?" As she focused on the queen's face, she noticed something else besides the perverseness.

Dazed, she blinked a couple of times. "Hm?" The queen queried as her gaze met the little girl, "Oh, I was daydreaming. Please forgive me," her eyes fell upon the girl with a soft, playful smile. "I have something on mind, but it's rather childish of me to speak of," she said, shaking her head as she placed her hands on top of her lap with a kind smile. "So, what's with the sour face of yours?"

Cyan averted her eyes away in shame and guilt; she cannot help but be reluctant to reveal more details about the danger of him coming here. "Your Majesty," gathering her courage, she faced Cinder once again. "Having Seth arrive in this city is an omen to the great empire." As the moment she said those words, her queen's once friendly display became rather ominous.

"Omen, you say?" Straightening herself up, she coldly gazed down at the girl with an icy tone of voice. "Care to elaborate about the topic you brought up? Or are you having a joke with me?" Her eyebrow raised with dubious expression while her right eye twitched in annoyance at the child.

The air in this bedroom suddenly changed to a more serious and ominous aura, like a storm is brewing over the horizon and there is no shelter from its fury. The tension grew thick as the poor girl took a step back, and her body trembled under her scrutinizing glare.

This is the first time she saw her queen like this; for all her visits with Solana, she thought the woman was polite, but now it feels like Cinder is a completely different person from the experiences she witnessed in being good-natured. However, Cyan knows she can't stay quiet and that it'll only worsen the situation.

Stuttering, she found her voice, but it cracked as she continued, "What I mean is that he..." Swallowing a lump in her throat, "B-b-b-bad things will happen to the empire if s-s-s-s-s-s—Ack!" Crying out the moment Cinder grabbed her throat and lifted off the girl from the floor.

Tears stream down the child's eyes, terrified and scared of the person she considered to be reasonable. "Stop!" She pleaded with terror in her voice as the grip on her own neck tightened, causing her to let out a pathetic squeak from her quivering mouth.

What is worse is that Cyan can't even fight back anymore. Without being able to speak, she can't cast her spells. Not unless this crazed tyrant ruler decided to show mercy by releasing her neck. Knowing Cinder, that isn't likely to happen in this lifetime.

Why is the queen behaving like this? Is it because she's not accustomed to being rejected? Cyan wants to scream at her for being so selfish along of the fear that was coursing through her veins as she tried to figure out why this woman is acting like some sort of spoiled brat.

One way or another, she needs to convince her to release her so she herself won't die. Death is something she can't accept, for there are so many things in life that she still needs to accomplish: become a powerful magician, make Solana proud, and even learn new recipes! Yet, her time seems to be running out as her face is starting to turn blue from the lack of oxygen.

Cinder's gave a blank cold, not blinking or showing any kind of emotion in the slightest, not even a shred of pity. "Do you honestly believe I will allow anyone to insult my kingdom? I am a merciful and benevolent ruler, yes. But when anyone disrespects the way I rule things around  here, Squinting her eyes dangerously at the child, the cold, intimidating tone of voice sent a chill through Cyan's spine. "I will eliminate any and all who dare oppose me, understand?"

Flinching at the venomous, poisonous words that escaped the ruler's lips, Cyan struggled to speak out as it was getting harder to breathe or move properly due to lack of air, as the only thing she could do was nod vigorously while her eyes were widened in absolute fear.

Satisfied smirk graced the queen's lips. "Good girl." removing her hold onto the girl's neck, Cyan fell onto her knees with her hand over her own abused neck in desperate need to get more air into her lungs, expressing a pained look of suffering as the tears continued flowing down her cheeks.

"Now then, shall we continue our chat?"

She cooed mockingly as the child coughed and gasped for air while clutching at her chest. There was no way to describe the burning pain that Cyan felt in her esophagus; it was like a scorching hot iron rod had been shoved down her throat and seared everything it touched.

After a minute of waiting, the poor unfortunate girl finally stood up to the anticipated yet bored queen, who was patiently waiting for the girl to stop sobbing so they could have a proper conversation with one another without the annoying crying and hiccuping.

Cinder sighed annoyingly. "Are you now finished?" She spoke in a stern tone at the sight. "Or should I remind you of what happens if you act out of line, young lady?" Crossing her arms below her breasts, the woman frowned deeply at the girl that she had to discipline.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-nei-No!! No! Of course not!" Shaking her head furiously in denial of the consequences, Cyan frantically waved both of her arms in front of her while trembling in sheer terror. "I'm just getting some cool air into my stomach!" The child claimed it, smiling nervously at her own justification.

She later became surprised at how well she pulled off that excuse the moment Queen Cinder nodded in understanding of what Cyan said: "Well, I suppose I did choke you a bit too hard," the ruler pointed out, gesturing with her palm, "although with your disobedience I would have sent you to the depths of my dungeon to be tortured." Her ocean pupils glowed brightly with a malicious grin etched upon her lips.

Taking a moment to process what Cinder just said, the girl's eyes became wide as saucers as her jaw dropped open. "Wait. You are planning on torturing me?!" The young magician felt her blood run cold at the terrifying revelation of what would've become of her if she hadn't stopped talking about Seth coming to the capital.

Chuckling delightfully at this, "however," playful voice echoed through the walls as Cyan winced and shook in pure panic that overwhelmed her whole being. If the Queen wants to torture her, there wouldn't be anything in this world to stop this woman.

"Your power to see the future is worth more than your death, so I'll let this slide for now," the woman said with an amused grin. "Though next time, be careful of what you have to say, or else I have to cut your little tongue out with my own hands," Cinder hissed darkly and threateningly before leaning toward the little girl with an evil smile playing upon her own lips.

"Isn't that right, little witch?"

Her entire body violently shivered in fright at the woman's intimidating words, which didn't go unnoticed by Cinder, who enjoyed every second of it. The only thing Cyan could do other than her own obvious fear was give a slow nod in confirmation.

Satisfied by the response she received, Cinder moved away from her and proceeded to sit on the bed as she crossed her legs. "Get out of my room before I change my mind," she demanded coldly with ice in her tone, and she looked away dismissively as if the girl wasn't important at all, "unless you want to spend the rest of your life in a dungeon."

Composing herself as fast as she could, Cyan straightened herself up and lowered her head down onto the floor in a respectful bow. "I will take my leave," she nervously said before turning around and beginning to walk towards the door. "Sleep well, your majesty," the girl curtsied.

Opening the door, she gently closed it despite the heavy and fearful beating of her heart, which was drumming loudly in her own ears. She has never thought to witness such monstrous behavior in front of her very own eyes. The worst part was how close she came to losing her life, all because of her inability to keep her mouth shut about the other bad reason as to why Seth shouldn't come here.

"How's the talk?"

Gus immediately scared the wits out of her and caused the magician to let out a loud yelp after turning to her side before stumbling backwards in surprise. She could only stare in stunned silence at the crossed-armed soldier and say, "Don't scare me like that!" She exclaimed in annoyance with a huff.

As if she already didn't suffer enough from the unpleasantness of the queen, this tall knight standing before her did not make her feel better. On top of that, it seemed like he had no intention of moving out of the way anytime soon after noticing her nervous form.

Worry grew on the man's face at the sight. "You look pale as the dead," he commented on the young girl's sickened state. "Tell me what the queen has done to you." He quickly moved toward her, not letting out a word as he guided her down the hallway while patting on the child's back.Tell me, , please. His tone sounded almost pleading and desperate to know.

Stopping for a brief moment to glance upon his worried expression, Cyan can't bring herself to tell him of what occurred during their private chat. "There is no need to worry yourself with trivial matters that do not concern you," she tried to brush away his concerns, but the stubborn soldier refused to budge. "All she wanted to talk about is what I saw in the future. Nothing more, nothing less."

Doubt formed in the man's mind after the both of them stopped in their trucks. "Kid, tell me the truth," his hard eyes bore into her small form as she shifted uncomfortably. "You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" He asked accusingly at the little girl.

Forcing herself to look into his eyes, "she hurt me," the child admitted painfully, clenching her tiny fists. "Cinder choked me after I picked up the wrong words! I thought she would kill me on the spot." Tears began forming in her eyes once again, but she fought hard not to let them fall.

Gus couldn't help feeling sorry for the girl:Shit, ,  know our queen is tyrannical and evil, but to do this to someone like you..." eyebrows furrowed at the absurdity of the situation they are in, he put a hand on her shoulder in a gesture of comfort. "Look, if Cinder ever does that to you again, come and find me," the knight's serious eyes bore into hers. "I'll keep you safe, and I promise that'll never happen again."

Cyan allowed a small, relieved smile to appear on her lips before nodding silently. After what she witnessed, the least she can do is trust in his word about protecting her from a monster-obsessed deviant who desired the holy man for some weird reason that she herself can't fully comprehend.

"Great, how about we head into dinner with Solana? I'm sure she'll be happy to see us, eh?"

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