Chapter 80

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"This is the room you all are staying in!"

It is simple, with separate beds in the corner and a dresser for their clothes. The floor is made of wood, and the walls are whitewashed. There is a window on the left-hand side of the room that lets in sunlight, and a lantern hangs above the door. The bedsheets are crisp and clean, and the pillows smell fresh and fluffy. The room itself is not spectacular, but it does the job of providing a place for the travelers to rest their heads at night.

Frank held the door open as the rest stepped in. "You all are lucky; there are hardly any rooms available today when so many visitors are in town right now," he informed them cheerily, smiling at them while Solomon and Bruno settled down upon one of the beds.

Seth and Genno nodded respectfully. "Thank you for the hospitality," they responded simultaneously, causing the bartender to chuckle heartily, finding this amusing to watch since barely anyone here is grateful for anything anymore.

"No problem! If you need to find me again, I am always downstairs as usual," he informed them while closing the door shut as he left them alone. Leaving four individuals by themselves within their room while they began to prepare themselves for good night rest.

The moonlight shone through the window, illuminating everything around them as they looked around their accommodation carefully, noting how relatively nice and clean it was compared to previous places they had stayed at. It was better than nothing.

Placing his sword next to his bed, Solomon adjusted himself on the mattress as he stretched out his entire body, releasing tension within muscles, yawning tiredly, "Good night," muttering aloud. I lay down before closing my eyes, drifting away into unconsciousness almost instantaneously due to exhaustion from recent travels.

Bruno followed suit, letting the fatigue consume him as well, keeping in mind he will have to keep a reminder of finishing up his final book or else everything will be naught in the end. For once, the writer doesn't feel as anxious as he normally would, perhaps because they are finally in a safe zone or maybe because he has been reckless lately.

Either way, the poet doesn't care anymore; all he needs now is to rest away from the worries that plague his mind constantly. Then there is Genno, who, instead of going to sleep, decided to sit on a chair near the table, meditating himself into peaceful slumber.

Leaving Seth alone, he stared at his tired friends, satisfied to see them at peace after all they had gone through thus far. Sighing heavily, the holy man wished he could join them in their blissful dreams, but unfortunately, he isn't exhausted just yet.

Quietly exiting the room, he moved through the hallway, stepping softly on wooden floorboards that creak under every footstep with dozens of doors that have numbers carved on them. I see how barely anyone is walking in and out of their rooms.

He decided it was best to enjoy this night as much as he could, walking continuously until he reached a staircase leading downstairs and heading downwards before seeing no one present except the bartender himself, who was mindfully cleaning the counter with a cloth rag in hand.

"Hello," Seth greeted, making Frank glance upward in surprise. "Sorry if I startled you; I wanted to get my mind off for a few minutes," sitting down upon one of the barstools. "I would be glad if you let me stay a while," the holy man said with a pleading smile that made the other man chuckle lowly.

"Anytime," the bartender answered amicably, wiping glasses idly in front of him, "what brought you here tonight anyway?"Can't sleep?" He assumed incorrectly as he studied Seth's expression, noticing how weary but alert his features seemed to be. "Don't blame you; getting accustomed to new places can get rough sometimes," he said, speaking with sympathy towards the stranger he just met.

Frowning sadly, Seth bowed his head lowly in shame. "It is not that," he explained, pausing momentarily to gather his thoughts on what exactly should be said. "I want to talk about something else." Fear, doubt, and anxiety filled him when considering his own past mistakes.

Frank raised eyebrows in intrigue. "Alright then, I have no problem lending ears to anyone in need of a friendly ear," he agreed easily, setting down the glass and towel as he leaned forward with crossed arms. Waiting patiently for what comes next.

"Before I tell you, keep this conversation a secret between us." The holy man pleaded earnestly, hoping that his request wouldn't be rejected. "It is something I never speak to my friends," his sense of desperation intensified by the mere thought of divulging everything.

"Depends on how important it is, I ain't promising anything though," the owner declared honestly, keeping his voice steady so as not to offend Seth but rather to get his point across clearly. "But I suppose I could agree if you assure me that what you're about to share is worth more than my own life," he jokingly said as he tapped his fingers on wood repeatedly in anticipation of receiving answers soon enough.

Seth bit his lower lip at the response. "Please be serious about this," he said in a serious tone, avoiding direct eye contact with the man because of his insecurity regarding his secret that has plagued him ever since. "No one must learn what I'm about to tell you, not even my comrades who are upstairs currently," stressing how important it is.

Sighing, Frank understood that something was bothering Holy Man and wanted him to reveal everything already. "Alright, alright, relax, buddy!" Raising his hands up in surrender and giving friendly smiles to reassure him, "I ain't going to spill the beans if you don't want me to," he assured Seth, who is still fidgeting anxiously in place.

Nodding slowly, Seth took a deep breath before saying, "What do you know about Christianity?" A question that caught the bartender off guard due to its unusual response caused Frank to stare dumbfounded at him, trying to process what the holy man had just said earlier.

After a brief pause, he said, "I don't know much about it other than the fact that there is an omnipotent supreme creator who is all benevolent and loving," stating bluntly, unsure how else to answer as he scratched his neck nervously, "why? Is it important for whatever you're going to tell me?" The man wondered aloud, thinking why it mattered all of a sudden.

The holy man kept silent for a moment before finally speaking again, this time giving his secret to the one standing in front of him: "I'm going to die soon." His answer surprised the bartender greatly, making him gasp in shock upon hearing those words escape from Seth's mouth.

"What?! Someone is trying to assassinate you?" Frank blurted it out involuntarily, alarmed by this revelation. His concern and fears become apparent on his face: "Is it some punk-ass bandit? Or a nobleman? Give me names, and I'll gladly help you out!" Concerned for the traveler, who became a rather close acquaintance within a matter of hours.

However, Seth shook his head negatively in denial. "It is not like that," he stated simply, making the other man frown in confusion. "It is more complicated than it sounds," confusing the man who listened attentively to whatever was being said afterward.

"If only it were that simple," Seth lamented sadly as he rested his elbows against the wooden countertop. "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved," shocking Frank, whom the holy man is referencing here.

"He...he is sacrificing you?" Unable to comprehend why someone so powerful and merciful like God would allow their own flesh and blood to suffer in place of others, "This doesn't make any sense; why?" He demanded, out of disbelief, "Why would a loving father and God do such a thing?"

Only for Seth to smile at this, "His not forcing my hand, I chose to accept this decision that has been handed down to me by fate itself," he revealed to the stunned Frank, "if I don't carry out my duty as the Savior, who will save the dammed souls suffering throughout this land?" Clenching his fists tightly into a ball, shaking slightly with anger bubbling deep within, "Who will redeem all of humanity for their sins? I am the only one capable of doing so." His eyes darken suddenly.

"And when the time comes, the innocent lamb will be slain so that mankind will be allowed into paradise itself, a destiny that I am willing to embrace rather than living a life full of regrets and sorrow, for God's purpose for me is greater than anyone else."

Taken back by this answer, "Do you know how will you die?" He asked, gulping at what awaits the holy man, morbidly curious but ashamed of asking such a horrible thing towards an interesting fellow, "Does it involve a sword or execution by guillotine? I mean, that's how most martyrs are usually killed off most of the time," imagining gruesome possibilities involving weapons involved.

Instead of responding immediately, Seth closed his eyes tightly and tilted his head backwards, staring intently upwards towards the ceiling before sighing greatly, "being captured by the Empire." Hearing such horrible news caused Frank to stare at him wide-eyed and slack-jawed in disbelief. "I have seen it numerous times throughout my dreams, of myself being crucified with a mutilated body, but it is all too vague for me to recall."

The bartender knows how cruel the Empire is in their ways of handling criminals; torture and public executions are the main methods of dealing with convicted felons. But it isn't just a simple one, but rather an extremely painful and horrifying death that any sane man would want to avoid.

"I'm afraid of it." Tears started streaming down his cheeks when he admitted his own weakness. "I fear experiencing the horrific death that shall befall me," he choked out through ragged breaths. Trembling uncontrollably, he feels overwhelmed by his own emotions, which seem like a never-ending storm that threatens to drown him completely in despair and hopelessness.

"Hey man," Frank grabbed him on the shoulder, "you don't have to do anything you don't want to do," reassuring him with a stern voice and a serious expression plastered across his face, "no one has the right to force others into things they don't consent to; if you want to live, then live for yourself and no one else," squeezing him gently but firmly.

However, Seth calmly relaxed himself before plastering a smile on his face. "I won't hesitate any longer," he uttered firmly. "It's not only my fate that is on stake here but everyone's future; they deserve better than endless wars or suffering because of greed and lust for power," shaking hands violently against the bar in rage at how ignorant many people can be these days.

Seeing this, the man withdraws his hand before placing it over his own mouth. "So," he says, staring down at the ground with contemplation all over his face, "after your death, what happens to everyone?" I am asking for clarification as to what the aftermath will be following Seth's demise.

Mirthful chuckles escape him while the holy man rubs tears away using his sleeve: "By truly believing me as your Lord and Savior, you are eternally sealed to enter the kingdom of God after your death." The answer astounds Frank, leaving him speechless once more.

"Will I see my daughter there to?"

The question Frank asked wasn't meant for anyone, but rather, he wanted confirmation that his only beloved child will indeed be accepted into paradise, "because she died when she was ten years old from a fatal disease." His eyes became moist with unshed tears.

Sadness also sprang onto Seth. "Once you enter paradise, I promise to you that God will find a way to bring your daughter back from death in your embrace by request alone," he promised, patting the distraught man on the shoulder tenderly. "Do not lose hope and faith, for salvation awaits," he consoling him gently.

Grateful for hearing such comforting words spoken directly towards him: "I truly believe in you, Son of God. I pray that once I reach paradise, the father will grant me a miracle that my child returns to me," he implored humbly.

With a cheerful smile upon his own face, "it's settled then; the coming ahead of me will be my final," accepting his death in open arms, "there, in paradise; eternal life and infinity await all in its bosom, where all joy and happiness reside within its confines," the holy man declared proudly, clasping both hands together as if in prayer.

"Lord," Frank smiled happily at him, "during your execution, I shall be there to remind you that you are not alone and some are praying for you, Seth." His declaration makes the holy man beam brightly at his vow to stand beside him during his final moments.

"Thank you," he said, tearfully crying joyous tears as they embraced each other, sharing warmth between two different souls who bonded by the mere circumstances alone. "I'm grateful that I won't die alone," she said, happily sobbing into the bartender's shoulder, who reciprocated the hug.

Unbeknownst to them, Bruno sat on the stairway, silently listening intensely to what they shared together as he watched with a heavy heart at the scene before him. "Seth, you poor bastard," the poet muttered softly to himself of having to go through this, "I pray your God will show me mercy," regretting ever learning the truth.

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