Chapter 63

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Seth couldn't sleep properly ever since the boy placed all the blame on him for failing to save Judith and everyone else. Guilt overtook his consciousness completely, as if condemning himself to the eternal torture of Hell itself. The constant struggle between his duty as the messiah and personal feelings towards others tore him apart every minute passing by.

Unable to find rest or comfort during these sleepless nights, memories flashed across his mind over and over again while he desperately rolled around the ground just to distract himself in order to avoid thinking about it too much, though it was proven useless overall.

Ever since he grew older into the man he now is, Seth nonetheless still feels all the emotions strongly inside, which makes things harder for him. In other words, being in denial will only make matters worse rather than ignoring them altogether.

Such a difficult path that he made himself for after choosing what God had intended for him. Of course, he could have abandoned that destiny and lived an ignorant, blissful life while others remained unsaved. And he never would have imagined how gruesome things became because of him, although in truth, it was not God's fault but himself.

Laying himself on his back, he watches the starry skies as they shine brightly upon the night itself. The wind blew gently across the forest, sending chills over his skin before focusing on the dots that hung above his head. They always looked so beautiful to look at, no matter what the occasion might be.

Just imagining himself the different paths and actions he should have taken instead of becoming this holy man that the Empire now fears for bringing such a threat to its kingdom. Oh, how far things have gone throughout the many days since then, but Seth no longer wishes to lament it any longer.

Glancing around, he sees his companions sleeping comfortably; Genno was meditating like always, and Bruno remained sitting with his back rested on the wooden surface of a tree. But no Solomon was in sight; the realization hit him like a brick.

There is no way he is going to sleep properly after what the boy said to him. And what's worse is that Solomon hasn't come back at all, worrying him greatly about what might happen to the boy in those dangerous woods. He is sure that the child is a fighter, but even then, the boy is only a child and a human altogether.

"He shouldn't be this late after foraging some berries and nuts." Seth mutters under his breath, recalling what the boy announced before his departure: "Something is wrong," an answer that uneases him greatly to the core, for whatever is troubling Solomon might be extremely grave if he is taking long to come back.

With nothing else to gain from his self-loathing, he carefully stood up and let out a tired sigh. "I need to find him," he whispered under his breath, knowing this was his fault for causing this incident altogether. But if he can repair the damages he unintentionally caused to the boy, maybe they'll finally come to understand each other.

Forgiveness is one of my most important core values as a Christian. It is essential for those who have sinned against others to gain redemption through confession and repentance. However, it also depends on how people react to those who beg for forgiveness after committing terrible deeds.

In other words, will Solomon forgive him for failing Judith and everyone else in Lighthaven, or will he remain spiteful towards Seth's own existence? Time will tell when they speak about it in proper terms. Perhaps it'll take awhile, but hopefully the boy will come to an understanding once the truth is revealed.

Looking down at his own open palms, he clenched them tightly with a sorrowful look. "God, show me the way to him and forgive me for not being able to save anyone that died in that massacre." He prayed quietly, as if communicating to the master of creation, "Show me, Lord."

A sudden feeling hit him in the chest, not painful or unpleasant in any way. Its like something tingling in his nerves, like he has been called in order to find his destination. Turning to where he felt was the right place to go, Seth began to march forward, with the holy spirit guiding his path in finding the boy.

Crickets continue their incessant chirping while the moonlight bathes the entire forest in silvery light, allowing enough visibility through the darkness to move forward. As he traversed through the thick foliage, Seth noticed several animals roaming around that became startled once he drew closer.

Small creatures, such as rats or rabbits, scurried away in fright at his presence, but nearly once they laid their eyes on him, every animal became passive and friendly as they realized who exactly this person walking past them is. Almost as if sensing a being of purity within, they regard the holy man as a friend rather than a stranger or threat.

It was indeed a strange occurrence that he never knew of, but he brushed it off nonetheless in order to focus on finding the child. However, as Seth continued to walk, the terrible thoughts came back at him in full force once again. Images of Judith's corpse laying there motionless on the floor, lifeless eyes staring right back at him with horror and disbelief reflected clearly within them. The screams of people who had trusted in him only to be slain by Imperial soldiers while they ravaged everything around.

All of this is because of Seth being the son of God. This violent image in his head hurts him to the core; no matter where he hides or runs, suffering will always find a way to chase after him relentlessly. Coming to a halt and bending down to gather his bearings, he could feel his own bile rise in his throat as his stomach twisted uncomfortably when nausea became too much for him to bear.

More terrible thoughts and ideas came across his mind; he nearly vomited right on the spot due to these emotions being too much to handle alone. If he hadn't grown accustomed to controlling them beforehand, perhaps he wouldn't be able to manage them as well as he does right now.

Maybe God was testing him in enduring these wretched thoughts, or it could just simply be a product of his own conscience punishing itself for all mistakes committed thus far. Regardless of this, he will never run, nor will he falter from being who he truly is.

No sin can stain the soul of a saved individual as long as they strive to reach their highest potential for greatness. They will always carry regrets or shame for failing to meet those standards they set forth, but that does not mean it ends there forever. One may lose hope and become depressed while drowning in self-pity.

However, if they push on forward, then nothing is impossible in accomplishing anything one desires, as long as their mind and body remain strong in pursuing that dream or goal. Who knows what's beyond the horizon of this world they live in? The future holds many wonders that can be explored by those brave enough to take chances and seek out the new possibilities that lie ahead.

Even if Seth fails miserably in becoming what God intends, he won't quit trying until he fulfills his destiny as savior of everyone on this planet, whether it means sacrificing himself in doing so or achieving success alongside others through friendship. Just having faith alone makes all the difference compared to doubting oneself constantly.

He is not alone; his beloved father and the Holy Spirit will always be with him through these hard times. The Lord is always watching over each of his children, no matter where they are. So in times of despair when facing challenges, they should always pray to God for strength and guidance to overcome those obstacles standing in their way.

Letting out a sigh, Seth slowly rose up and started to walk once more, as if nothing had bothered him at all, before stopping after hearing loud running footsteps and blades clashing violently nearby. Its familiar noise filled his ears as soon as the first swing occurred, alerting the holy man immediately to where the boy was currently.

Not wasting any time standing here, he ran to the source with all his strength and stamina. Heart thumping wildly inside of chest, blood rushing through veins as adrenaline surged through muscle fibers, which caused him to move faster than usual while the sounds became more prominent than ever.

The intrusive thoughts weren't helping either, trying to distract him from reaching in time to aid Solomon. But despite how much his wicked mind tries to hinder him, his faith in God and love for all prevail over anything that comes his way, regardless of how powerful or deadly those wicked ideas prove to be.

Soon he arrived, where Solomon and some unknown person were currently exchanging blows at each other, blades ringing loudly as they collided together without stopping or slowing down anytime soon. The young boy is barely able to keep up with the assassin's swift attacks and parries, leaving no room for retaliation or opportunity to make successful counters on behalf of himself.

"You can't hope to defeat me! I can keep reading your mind, kiddo!"

Striker gloated while swinging his battle axe wildly, trying to break through the boy's defense, forcing the young fighter back several paces, panting heavily due to fatigue accumulating in each second. This fight was draining Solomon of energy rapidly as sweat trickled down his forehead with a furrowed brow as he scowled hatefully at this bastard.

Solomon panted harshly while glaring at him, "Fuck you." Exhaustion had finally gotten the better of the boy; his legs shook weakly under pressure while his eyes burned hot with hatred directed toward Striker himself before dropping to his knees and saying, "I will kill you with my bare hands if necessary."

Striker laughed maniacally at this sight. "We had our fun," he smirked evilly as he took another step forward. "But I suppose you are out of tricks, kid," grabbing the shaft of the battle axe tightly before raising it high above his head. "So let's end this little dance once and for all."

The exhausted boy closed his eyes, dropping his sword, as he knew this was an inevitable end to this fight that had lasted far too long already. Accepting death in his current state of physical and mental deterioration is enough punishment for him to have to deal with this scumbag.

"Say goodnight!"

But at least he will be able to see his mother again in the afterlife; a pleasant thought crossed his mind before releasing his last few breaths as the assassin's weapon swung downward straight towards him. His body relaxed while he waited patiently for an impact to arrive, but none came.

As if Solomon's perception of time slowed down, he watched the sudden appearance of Seth having appeared before him with arms spread like wings as the axe connected against his torso, piercing through flesh before pulling back out of its host, creating a long, freshly cut across the holy man's chest.

Blood splattered on the ground below with sickening thud sounds and wet splashes against the grass when crimson liquid sprayed outward, causing Seth to immediately drop on his side. A soft groan then escaped from the lips as pain filled his entire body, along with shock, beginning to process while his vision blurred out of focus.

"Seth...?" Solomon's eyes widen in realization at the man who took the hit for him. "Why did you...?" Before he could finish his question, he heard Striker laughing with pleasure at the scene unfold before his eyes, finding this unfortunate end.

"Seth?! That man who tried to save you was him?!" Striker laughed aloud while holding the dripping red axe in one hand. "He probably thinks himself a hero by protecting you from my attack! Oho! What an irony! Even in his dying moments, he still chose to sacrifice himself to save you from your doom," he explained in a mocking tone as he continued cackling hysterically at the sight.

"No no no no...!"

Hurriedly moving towards him, he dropped his sword and desperately tried to shake the man awake, only to receive silence as a response. Confirming it only meant one thing, he failed once more. Unable to hold himself, tears streamed down on Solomon's cheeks while he cried uncontrollably upon realizing what'd just transpired here tonight: "No, no!" He screamed loudly, as if yelling at God itself, "Wake up! Don't die on me like my mother! Wake up, goddammit!"

The assassin watched as if entertained by such a display, finding this to be incredibly amusing to behold. He found it humorous how pathetic this boy looked, begging for mercy from someone who no longer lives. But despite how satisfying it is to do all of this, he nonetheless failed to capture Seth alive.

Although Striker could just cut the man's head off as a display of his deed, Nothing beats having a trophy hanging from a mantle piece or wall ornament as proof of accomplishment that would make others recognize his skills as a feared, hired serial killer and assassin.

"Solomon..." Rolling over his side with Seth's back now laying on the grass, he weakly turns his head to the tearful boy and says, "Don't become like your enemy; forgive them and start anew." The holy man whispered softly to him while blood spurted freely from the wound, staining the ground under them. A moment later, he coughed up blood.

"You know I can't..." Solomon sobbed with choked cries, wiping away wetness from both cheeks with a sleeve of robe before taking deep, shaky breaths as he calmed down enough to form coherent sentences once more: "He killed you because of me; all of this is my fault in being too weak to stop him." He uttered it guiltily between sniffs while holding back more tears that threatened to fall forward.

"It is not just about forgiving those who hurt you but also forgiving yourself as well. You are human, and everyone makes mistakes that cannot be undone, but we still learn from them and grow from them," Seth breathed weakly while coughing up crimson fluid through his mouth and nose. "Please remember that."

His vision was darkening in slow increments, his eyelids were heavy, yet he willed them to stay open just a bit longer. "Remember not to let anger consume your heart; it will eat away at the person they once were and become the bitter shell of a monster who knows only vengeance."

Those words echoed deep inside Solomon's psyche as he listened intently. His hazel green orbs gazed deeply into the fading black-colored irises of the man he looked up to, who was staring right back at him, pleading with the boy to understand what Seth meant.

Before Solomon could say anything, Striker interrupted the conversation with more laughter and mockery, as if reveling in their misfortune. "How sweet!" He jeered cruelly, sneering maliciously towards Solomon before shifting his gaze upon Seth with disdain evident in those cold eyes that pierced right through their souls.

"But what a shame you are dying as well!" He taunted in amusement, "You are such an idiot for trying to help someone like him," the assassin remarked harshly, pointing his accusing finger at the other man.

Rage, hatred, and vengeance returned to the boy's heart; trembling hands tightened into fists before shooting a death glare at Striker while gritting teeth angrily with bared fangs, which made him look frightening despite being young.

"Shut up..."

Striker continued, oblivious or uncaring that the boy had just spoken. "Look at yourself! Look at what he's turned you into!" The maniacal young man shouted contemptuously with glee, "We aren't so different after all," he noted gleefully at this sight.

"Shut up!"

But the assassin pressed onward, "Come on, boy! You can't deny the truth when it's right before you!" He mocked childishly, "Just admit that you wanted to kill everyone around you!" He pointed to Solomon and said, "You wanted to make everyone who had wronged you pay for their crimes against humanity itself. All because you have no choice but to accept the fact that we all have a little monster inside of us, hiding behind smiles or kind gestures." The man's words were obviously laced with pleasure.

"SHUT UP!!!"

Grabbing his sword, he let rage consume every fiber of being itself, jumping upwards onto the feet and dashing forward like a beast ready to devour its prey before swinging the blade towards Striker without hesitation, screaming bloody murder in fury.

Striker briefly smiled before surprise came to him: "Your mind is full of—" He didn't finish his sentence when the once rational fighter became berserk in wanting to butcher the man who murdered Seth with the intent of making him suffer for all eternity. "Where was this energy a few minutes ago, huh!?" The deranged killer demanded at this sudden change of pace.

Seth's killer can't use his ability anymore, for the boy's mind was nothing but a void filled with hate in place of normal thoughts; it left him no chance to read what Solomon planned to do next, whether it'd be quick decapitation or torturing him alive. Regardless, it makes no difference as long as the former's rage fuels it.

Thus, Striker was forced to defend himself from the onslaught of swings from the boy's sword while being pushed back slowly but steadily due to the overwhelming force put behind each attack that almost struck his face multiple times within split seconds.

Not before Solomon's sword finally reached him, cleaving his stomach open and spilling intestines out, falling on top of their owner's legs while the severed muscles squirmed like snakes with thick coils of digestive tracts twitching in convulsion before slumping over in horror and confusion.

It wasn't enough for him; he needed more. So he went for another strike, stabbing through the shoulder before twisting the blade violently to sever it away from the joint as tendons snapped apart like rubber bands snapping against fingers when stretched far enough.

The arm dropped, its hand still grasping the axetightly, while blood spurted out through the stump with little force, staining everything within its radius with a crimson color.

H repeatedly swung his sword recklessly all across Striker's body while tearing apart anything blocking its way, continuing nonstop despite not gaining satisfaction from killing this despicable monster underneath him.

Striker could only lay on the ground, helplessly watching the enraged young fighter continue mutilating his own dying body with disgustingly loud squelches, splats, squishes, schlops, and gross plops when various internal organs or organs combined alike spilled out through cuts on flesh, adding more gore to the surroundings themselves.

It seems to go on forever; Solomon slashed, sliced, stabbed, and chopped whatever remained of him in these brief few seconds, and he could only let out a roar of maddening hatred throughout his rampage without noticing how little time had passed between each brutal attack.


Tears streaming down his face, putting as much emotion as he would into words before his voice broke from exhaustion, gasping for air before he resumed his ruthless assault on obstacles, complete disregard for the blood that was now smearing his clothes and making him appear like some insane killer instead of a helpless child who had only recently lost loved ones.

As this continued to go on, Seth with his remaining strength, could only watch them in horror at what Solomon had truly become. He was unable to help anyone, despite promising to do so, when he heard the tragedy of Lighthaven happened, they died for reasons he could've prevented easily but didn't.

Seeing Solomon become a monstrous individual in a mere few seconds as a result of experiencing tremendous emotional distress due to being killed by a maniacal hired serial killer, it saddened Seth greatly to know how badly damaged this child has become since his mother's death.

And how much of a failure he is to Judith's own child.

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