Chapter 98

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Sitting on her treasured on this balcony, she watched and leaned with excitement as a crowd of angered Christians were shouting at the top of their very lungs. The expressions these people are having please her greatly, and she feels the same way.

The balcony overlooked the streets below, a stunning sight that is worthy of admiration and envy. The air was crisp and cool, a delightful contrast to the sweltering heat inside the palace. Its view was breathtaking, with a sweeping vista of the city stretching out before them.

While her own beloved children stood near her, the rest of her subjects either sat down on chairs or waited for the three wise men to come out and speak with everyone in regards to the recent incident that occurred with the betrayal of the unfortunate trio.

Between this spacious balcony and its appearance, which seemed to have been carved out of marble and stone, there are two female statues on both sides holding torches high in their hands, gazing upon the ceiling as the people await their announcement, which is guaranteed to spark anticipation.

At the corner was Solomon; his expression was full of indifference, but his eyes tell otherwise. Accompanying him at his side was Gus, who was fortunate enough to have him in their care. Whether the Queen was generous or simply kind enough to spare the boy is out of the question.

Everyone knew she was never kind to begin with. Any form of mercy is simply a guise that covers her true colors—merciless, cruel, sadistic, and other traits that describe the type of tyrannical madwoman she is. However, Gus and his allies can't fathom why she decided to allow his life to be spared.

"Are you alright, kid?"

Placing his giant hand onto the boy's shoulder, who in response shook his head in dismay, "do I look alright?" Solomon answered with a sad look, "My friends are going to die while I'm here to enjoy this luxurious hospitality." A hint of sarcasm can be heard in his voice.

Frowning at this answer but understanding it all the same, Gus sighed in defeat. "I know, kid..." Feeling disgusted at the thought of even trying to lift the boy's spirits, for he himself is associated with these monsters, "Just hang on there a little, okay? Maybe we can figure this out." Trying to reassure Solomon of somehow managing to escape and reunite with his friends.

"Lying to a child won't help matters," General Solana approached them, having overheard their discussion, "it is best that we not give him false hope if we have none at all." She honestly spoke in her usual neutral tone, not too bothered by this situation.

"Solana, do you know we can—"

A raise of the hand stopped him. "There is nothing we can do here." Her cold response hit him and Solomon in the gut, knowing its truth. "That is the reality of our predicament, and we must face it like the warriors that we are." As she said those words, her face then softened when she looked down at the boy. "I'm sorry if you had to endure this." Despite working for a corrupted empire, Solana felt terrible for involving him in this mess.

Looking away, Solomon pushed away the man's hand from his own shoulder. "I don't want to hear any of these from you," unable to bear hearing more lies being spilled out of their mouths, "just leave me in peace already," causing the duo to glance at one another before nodding.

As the two left him, he remained in his spot, staring down at the floor with distraught. He can't believe what was happening; how did everything suddenly turn for the worst? And who can he blame but himself and the others for falling into a trap that was laid out for them?

Bruno is responsible for all of this. When he gets out of here, he's going to kill him. But that traitorous bastard is going to be executed anyway, so he himself shouldn't worry about this. Although it isn't right to feel this way toward someone, especially after the wisdom Seth showed him.

"A new commandment I give to you is that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another."

"You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you, don’t resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. If anyone sues you to take away your coat, let him have your cloak also. Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and don’t turn away him who desires to borrow from you."

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust. If you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? Therefore, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."

A sad smile grew on his lips, and the voice of his father figure rang throughout his own head like an echo. Remembering the words of Seth's teachings was calming, as if he were standing by his side once again. However, he wonders if he can control himself any longer, for they have finally arrived.

Loud approaching footsteps in the hallway behind Cinder's throne were comprised of many soldiers accompanying the three wise men around them, naked and completely mutilated in brutal fashion. Their bodies were like skeletons, exposing every bone and muscle they had.

Genno's head was scalped, his eyes closed, and he was not saying a word while seemingly not bothered by it at all. Anyone with that type of injury would kill or at least severely incapacitate them, but the monk was moving as if there was nothing wrong with it.

On the other side of the monk was Bruno, scared beyond belief and seemingly uninjured by the fact that the only torture he had was being starved to death. Nonetheless, the poet's expression was full of regret and agony, along with fear for what was to come.

Before, Solomon would find delight in this, but he is not that person anymore. He had grown to be a responsible and kinder young fighter. Instead of expressing happiness, he was pitying him, for he could sense how traumatized they were from being tortured.

Moreover, he remembered how Bruno chose to come with them rather than leave. Showing how remorseful the man is. Which greatly helped the boy find forgiveness for the betrayer, even though he is still bitter towards him after what he had done.

But his eyes drifted elsewhere behind the two. "Seth..." Shocked beyond words, he finally asked the very person he looked up to, "My God." Tears drip down from his own face, forcing him to look at him from where he stands, as it was a sickening sight to see.

Seth was covered with so many fresh wounds all over his body. Being whipped nonstop for every hour and day while having his genitals removed as splattered blood covered his crotch in gross fashion. His hair was messy, unlike Bruno's, whose own hair is matted.

What is worse, the holy man is weeping nonstop, refusing to let out the sound of any scream but still crying without stopping. Eyes red and puffy as it sweats with tears of water. His entire face shows misery, of what type of emotion no one could tell; only Seth himself knew, and no one can really see what he is truly thinking other than the despair penetrating all throughout.

"They have arrived!" Greed shouted with glee, moving to the railings and looking down before raising his cup in the air, "The Son of God has come!" Shouting all the more, everyone else in the audience roared in cheer, ecstatic and filled with joy at seeing Seth. "Let the festivities begin!"

Seth, Genno, and Bruno were ordered to move to where the prime minister is, forcing themselves to walk across the walkway as the three wise men each tried to keep themselves from collapsing before the onlookers. Along with the cheers, some were shouting out insults, insulting the holy man's parentage and everything about him as they laughed.

Standing near Greed as Seth stood between his friends, appearing as nothing more than a tortured soul. He wants it all to end, yet he is forced to endure, for he must save everyone here. His love and mercy extend to all creatures and people. Even his enemies, for he sees them all as the same.

"Are you the King of the Christians?"

The prime minister asked, smiling broadly as the whole court burst out in laughter. Leaving Solomon, Gus, Solana, and even Cyan saddened by this horrible mockery, the nobles then snickered and jeered at him for having such a title.

"You said so," was Seth's only vague response, causing an uproar of anger from the crowd.

Every man, woman, and child present screeched, shouted, and even threw stuff at the three men who were forced to listen the public shaming that followed. Laughter, jeering, taunts, insults, and vulgar comments flew at them. The whole court of nobles and religious leaders also did the same.

Cinder watched with curiosity, while she was saddened that she couldn't own him; it was rather interesting to see him suffer the consequences for being a good boy by being her slave. How things have turned out is an unfortunate end for the likes of him.

Narrowing his eyes, "answer the question." Greed threatened, not in the mood to be trifled by Seth's mouth as he wished to have entertainment to watch. Only to receive nothing but silence from the man, his grin quickly faded. "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!"

Despite it being several seconds ago, Seth remained quiet as the prime minister seethed, growing angry ever before for being ignored in such a manner. It pissed him off like never before. The patience of the wise man is truly wearing thin as his vein popped on his forehead. "Aren’t you speaking to me? Don’t you know that I have the power to release you and the power to crucify you?" He spoke without any hint of humor in his voice.

"You would have no power at all against me unless it were given to you from above. Therefore, he who delivered me to you has greater sin," Seth explained without hesitation, but he also shows no sign of pride despite his speech. He only shows his usual calmness and sobbing look, remaining patient as ever before.

Getting tired of this, Greed turned to the demanding crowd and asked, with his hand pointing upwards to the heavens, "Who should I release?!" He asked, watching the crowd boo, yell, and call Seth names before finally shouting out.


They all said, their voices ranging from deep to high pitch that echoed as if in one voice, everyone was calling the name of the child, much to Greed's disappointment, having wished to see the boy crucified for hurting him long ago.

"And what should I do with these men?" Gesturing to his side, where the three stood together in group, "especially the one who calls himself the messiah!" He jeered, all the while the crowd grew unhinged and angry at this statement alone.

"Crucify them!"

The crowd demanded that their loud voices ring throughout the whole streets, screeching and shouting like feral beasts at the very top of their lungs in a manner that would break the eardrums of anyone unfortunate enough to be in close proximity.

Getting too sickened by this sight, Gus intervened and said, "But they have done no wrong!" Calling out to them as he tried to make them reconsider this decision, looking over the angered crowd with hope in his eyes, "don't anyone here have shred of empathy to fellow neighbor?!"


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