Chapter 18

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"Go along now, little one."

Seth gently lowered himself for the baby fawn to get down. It sniffed his hand before licking it, a gesture of appreciation to the child of God for rescuing it from danger and certain death, making him feel relived for rescuing one of God's precious creatures.

"Come now, go and find your father or mother," he spoke to it like a loving parent while patting the baby deer's head with affection, "because they must be worried for your absence, for you are a part of their family, which is what makes life precious beyond compare." As the holy man smiled, the fawn understood and nodded, taking off to dash through the midnight forest.

A sigh of relief escaped from his lips, and his very heart pounded with mercy and compassion for the animals, as well as sympathy for their fate to die at the hands of someone who thinks themselves righteous for it. "May the heavenly father be with you, little one, for a righteous man respects the life of his animal, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel," quoting the proverb before continuing onward to the temple.

After a while of peacefully walking through the woods, he finally stumbles upon his home, exiting the forest and heading straight to the entrance of his holy church. Seth sees nothing but the empty interior of this place, wondering to himself where that young priest went.

But he shouldn't be surprised by this. "I'm simply tired," he rationalized the situation in his head as the moonlight shone upon him, illuminating the night with its radiant glow through the stained windows. "That is all it is," he proclaimed in his thoughts while ignoring the whole thing.

Anyway, it's good to be back home. The very thought of being home warmed him and made him smile, for this temple is also home for the many others who seek solace in it, a place to worship the almighty God that brought all existence into reality.

The soft steps resonated in his feet as he walked through the hallway—a vast corridor of pillars that stretched to the ceiling—something to behold when visiting such a grand place. Nonetheless, he is already too exhausted to even think about anything.

Especially the priest, whose anger and betrayal towards himself weigh heavily in his heart, but he has already forgiven him. False prophets are considered blasphemous; not all are evil or malicious; they are simply misguided in their direction.

However, Seth himself is truly the Son of God, for he has truly interacted with the Holy Spirit, therefore giving him insight into his purpose. And that purpose is being this world's sacrificial lamb—foreboding indeed. Even with this knowledge, he held onto making the most of it.

Death can't stop him or anyone else in the afterlife; once the believers who trusted in him with all their hearts achieve salvation, no matter what, for he desires everyone to be saved from the sins of the flesh and be united with their creator in the kingdom of heaven.

So now he shall pray for Mathias, as Seth himself holds no hatred for anyone, not even his enemies. It is better to wish others well than to treat them poorly or with indifference. There's nothing wrong with showing kindness to those who may have acted against him in the past.

He does not care what will happen to himself but to the man who holds such grief and anger in his heart, praying to God to heal the young priest from the loss of his sister. It is a terrible and unfortunate tragedy to suffer through; no man or woman deserves it.

Reaching the door, he grabbed the knob with thoughtful expression; there is no doubt about rumors about him being blasphemer. It is fine still, because all of them are his family, no matter how many hurtful words they may throw at him.

Though these thoughts persisted, the founder refused to dwell on them and opened the door as soon as possible before closing it from behind, making his way through the room as the moon outside of his windows still shines upon his resting area.

With all the work and responsibilities in regard to the temple, he couldn't help but yawn from exhaustion. As he stumbled around to find the bed, he said, "What a tiring day," muttering under his breath while letting himself fall down onto the mattress, laying face flat on it.

Despite everything, the peace is nice. Even so, it's rather uncomfortable that his disciplines are now following animal sacrifices, which was a common ritual back then, but now it's outdated and unnecessary for everyone today, yet understandable to have one's sins temporarily washed away.

The Son of God knows the truth; it is pointless, and never would his father desire it. As he, the Messiah, has chosen to be the new sacrificial lamb, the use of offerings shall be no more; all will be given salvation to those who believe in him.

Turning around to face the ceiling, he took a moment to try to fall asleep on his bed. Although it's impossible when thoughts of worry fill him to the brim—worry for those in the temple who are considering him an outcast—his mortal vessel began to express anger and betrayal.

His flesh wants vengeance at the thought of being humiliated like this after everything he has done to them; this is their show of appreciation for the hospitality he showed them. The reality is that the human heart can be dark and violent, filled with thoughts and emotions that lead to disaster.

All humans are capable of this; they are all flawed. Regardless of his body's desire for retribution, Seth fought against it as he clenched his chest with his hand while frowning. A fight of good and vengeful wrath ached so much in his entire body that it ached, not only physically but also mentally.

Praying alone that the holy father will purge these feelings in his heart, it is tempting to let loose; he can imagine himself violently beating his followers into submission and tormenting them through unnecessary violence, but yet he is still here.

Fighting to his last breath, he shall always believe that his spirit will triumph over any temptation the flesh throws at him. Instead, he will continue to hold onto his faith in the holy spirit itself, for God is always with him; the human spirit is one that is limitless.

His will is strong and unstoppable by any evil or darkness, as it shall shine brighter than the sun itself. If he were blazing inferno, then the fire in his soul is invincible no matter the hardship. Never be alone, for the divine power is always watching over.

This power to defy the worst of the flesh is strong within the child of God. His confidence is immense and powerful, as he knows that his destiny will be fulfilled by the end and that he will fulfill the prophecy: save the living from their sins.

Exhaling cautiously, Seth released the tension in his body to ease up his aching body. Finally, he began to close his eyes as he drifted into slumber, although the doubts, fears, and worries continued to remain in his heart when he slept—merely weakness that hinders him.

"The weight of this world is heavy to bear on my shoulders," unconsciously mumbling while thinking aloud, "even so, I shall carry the burden alone, and alone I shall be, for that is the will of the Lord," bearing everything that the world shall throw at him.

Just then, the windows pulled open in a violent manner as a gushing wind entered his bedroom, forcing his eyes to open and getting him out of bed in a hurry. He was horrified, shocked, and confused, wondering in horror if this was some form of demonic spirit entering this holy place.

But as he stood out of bed, he felt the presence again; very familiar to the one that saved him, "Father," Seth called out, waiting to respond, but he received nothing in return. The only sound that echoed within the walls was the gust of wind. "Is that you?" He questioned softly, hopeful of receiving some answer.

In what felt like hours, the manifestation of a floating dove appeared before his eyes; its holy randiness was brilliant and beautiful, just like the sunlight. His eyes widened in wonder, prostrating himself with haste in all humility and obedience.

"I beg you, what is it that you want of me?" Kneeling on the floor with hands together, he looked up at the presence, waiting patiently for the spirit of God to respond to his inquiry, "For what reason are you to be here?" He asked again while the winds still continued to rush through his windows.

Taking a few more moments before finally responding with its harmonious and androgynous voice, "Rise, Son of God. There is no need for this," its statement sounded dissatisfied with his action. "Your path is arduous, but not alone, as tomorrow is the encounter where your destiny shall begin," he explained his motives for visiting in the first place.

When he listened to the dove, a sense of curiosity and courage mixed together—"what is it?" Rising himself to the ground, he stood straight and then said, "Tell me!" Desperate in knowing what it is in which he is referring, he says, "I fear not myself but those around me," clenching his fists tight.


Seth angrily shouted with the intent of wanting to know the truth, regardless of whatever the answer is going to be: "I want to know, for I am the Son of God." A fiery passion filled his spirit as he announced these words, to which the holy spirit must respond in cue.

Brightening his light, the dove spoke in a booming and authoritative tone, "It is early to say as causality must run its course," leaving out a response that's barely enough to satisfy Seth: "But take heed!" Shouting louder, which caused a great boom if it were thunder, "the beginning of your journey will be there, and thus, you must have caution," the spirit warned in an ominous voice.

Confusion entered his heart upon hearing of it: "What are you implying?" Unable to understand, the spirit did not explain in further detail, "What should I do? I want to know and understand my path so that I can lead others with  me."Trying his best to persuade the dove to explain in clearer details,.

The dove yet didn't reveal more: "All shall be revealed when the time has come, but for now, have patience, for the road ahead will be filled with trials and tribulations," urging him to be patient regarding this important issue, "it will test your mental capacity, actions, and judgement," enlightening the child of God in which the trial approaches.

There is no chance for the holy spirit to be mistaken. Seth knew that his destiny was about to begin, and he couldn't stop it. "So this is the path I chose to walk," he said, looking down on the ground with a troubled expression. "Then so I shall," fully accepting his choice once again.

God's spirit then emitted a feeling of regret and sadness, much to Seth's bewilderment. "I LOVE YOU." The voice was different, completely and utterly different, sounding more of a masculine soft tone that's followed by many other voices with languages speaking during and after it.

With that statement alone, the holy spirit vanished without trace; the winds rapidly dissipated themselves, leaving only him in a shell-shocked state, unable to utter a single word or sound altogether when he heard a voice that was all too familiar.

Closing his eyes, he raised his hands in a praying gesture, letting out a single tear of recognition for the other reason besides visiting him to warn about the dangers ahead. In a gentle, saddened smile, he spoke with the utmost happiness, learning how his heavenly father truly cared for him.


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