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Seth, in all his magnificence and glory, stood with a bright smile that shined the brightest of them all as he and the boy awaited patiently in the open field of this beautiful, starry night while its calm winds continued to blow against them.

A sensation of wonder and anticipation fills the air in the presence of the holy man, enveloped in a sense of euphoria and relief that can only be felt in the presence of a higher being. The atmosphere is one of pure love and bliss, wrapping them in a blanket of warmth and tranquility.

After all, Solomon could only stand silently for what would transpire. "Father..." He spoke in low volume, unable to control his emotions as he was unsure of what to do. "I don't know if I could forgive them." Turning around, he looked up at the gentle eyes of the one who calls himself the messiah.

"Believe in me," a soothing smile was expressed across his handsome face when he placed his hand on the child's shoulder in order to provide some assurance while giving a small, comforting squeeze. "By doing so, you will have the strength to do nearly anything," he answered, the tone of his voice never changing but remaining strong and confident.

"Father..." Solomon's lip quivered, feeling more emotional than usual because it was always difficult to find the heart to forgive those who hurt him and his loved ones. "They killed you! How could you  possibly?"Biting his own lip, he looked down in shame, not able to accept his advice.

Seth slowly knelt down in front of him with both hands on the boy's shoulders. "I know, it is hard to do so. But you deserve to be also freed from this hatred; it is poison to your heart," he said in a sympathetic, understanding tone of voice, "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. The second is like this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these."

Silence took place once again before Solomon hugged him dearly, clinging to the man who treated him as a son. In response to that, Seth reciprocated that gesture by returning the embrace.It's okay, son. It's okay, I'm here," he calmly said with kindness and love.

The boy's heart pounded violently. "I'm scared. Tired." Tears stained the scarlet robe. "I don't know if I can do it." Not sure if he is capable of even succeeding at things he hoped to achieve, he says, "I'm a failure," blaming himself for all the sins he committed.

A small chuckle escaped from the man as they withdrew their embrace while he continued to hold the boy's shoulders firmly. "You are my beloved child, always and will be, even if you forget about me. All I ask you to do is believe in me, try your best, and believe that you can do it. Do not lose faith in me, my father, and yourself," his wise words said in low but audible tones.

Wiping his own tears, Solomon took a deep breath and nodded his head, taking a step before turning around as the wind continued to blow behind him. He wondered if he could forgive them, but after everything Seth had done for him.

He will try.

In the distance, he saw an approaching crowd of people heading to them in groups, but what shocked them was their former enemies. Queen Cinder, Cyan, Gus, and General Solana, along with other soldiers and a crowd that had taken part in Seth's death, were there.

Moreover, they were occupied by a rather large number of priests and even their elders, as Philip and Nicodemus also came to witness this miracle, and at the very front of this whole crowd was John the Baptist, who led everyone here.

At first, Solomon bared his teeth in anger, clenching his fists so tightly that they turned white as well while feeling his heart ache terribly. He almost lost control if it weren't for the gentle hand of Seth, holding firmly on his shoulder. "Calm yourself, child," the holy man whispered quietly while not removing his gaze over the incoming mob.

His body shook violently from these emotions, but slowly and steadily, he managed to regain his composure enough to stand on his own two feet, releasing his breath and regaining confidence. He wants more. "I'm sorry," he said truthfully, releasing his fists and hanging them on his sides.

A smile graced Seth. "All is forgiven," he answered with the utmost happiness in his heart, knowing that his son is learning the true meaning of forgiveness. The Messiah always believed in him, and now the boy's faith is finally being rewarded.

When the mob reached the duo, John calmly knelt on one knee, followed by priests and the elders. "We brought the faithful, those who had decided to follow in your footsteps, mighty one," he said with humility of his own.

"I am so proud in all of you," he said, smiling brightly from this act. "Now rise and gather around; I wish to speak with each of you about something very important," Seth ordered while gesturing his hand into gathering everyone in a circle.

Doing what he had been told, John rose from the ground while people gathered around to hear the words spoken from him: "Do I have to?" Solomon turned to his father, to which Seth responded with a smile and nod, causing the boy to sigh in defeat.

As the boy went with the group of circle, Seth then began to address the issue. "Thank you all for coming," he started, addressing with a cheerful demeanor while never failing to maintain his cool appearance. "You don't know how much this means to me." Everyone else was silent, ashamed of their own actions.

Noticing this, he sighed before looking down with his eyes closed, still smiling like usual. "Don't be afraid; speak up. Trust me when I say that this will be beneficial to the both of us," he assured in a gentle voice but firm manner that left no room for argument.

An armored man without a helmet nervously stepped out of the circle, sweating profusely while averting eye contact when facing his former enemy, "Lord..." The man called out, "Are you here to punish us?" He asked cautiously, as he wished for a favorable outcome but also expected to suffer terrible consequences because of his actions.

In response, Seth opened his eyes to look at the soldier with surprise. "Punish you?" He said with disbelief, "Now why would I do that?" He watched the crowd become confused but also relieved that they did not receive divine retribution. "You thought that I was here to condemn everyone here? For what reasons would I do such a thing?"

Gus, who was present with the group, stepped forward alongside Cyan. "We tortured you, mocked you, threw stones at you, and even in your last moments, we all betrayed you," the veteran soldier said, with a heavy heart while maintaining his pride as an experienced warrior. "Why haven't you cursed us yet? Or burn us into the fiery pits?" The soldiers of the Empire nodded in agreement, feeling ashamed and guilty for their involvement.

This time, the Son of God giggled lightly before smiling once more, shaking his head slightly when hearing such a question: "Because I love you, all of you. Why would you all doubt that I would forsake each of you, knowing that I came to this world so that I could grant mankind the ability to receive salvation itself?" Seth asked rhetorically as a single tear fell upon his cheek.

Turning his gaze over to the queen, he asked, "What do you think of that, milady?" Everyone's eyes turned to the horrified Cinder, scared and nervous from the mere attention on her alone. Her hands trembled when Seth's eyes continued to glue to her.

She took a step forward as eyes followed. "Seth..." Rubbing her arm nervously, she briefly looked away for a moment. "I don't understand..." Unsure of where this is going, "After what I did to you, how could you possibly still want to save me?" She said it weakly, causing many to whisper among themselves.

Solomon, who was watching this, felt extremely angry at the sight of this woman. He knows this bitch is responsible for every atrocity the Empire has committed, but he restrained himself, knowing that if he did, then all of Seth's teachings would be for naught.

"I died for you and everyone in this world regardless of their background, personality, or status," Seth answered with the happiest smile that no one has ever seen. "All of you have potential to be redeemed, no matter how horrible your pasts are or who you are. As long as you believe in me while seeking to do good, even if you just try, is enough for my forgiveness and mercy," he said, closing his eyes while feeling a surge of euphoric joy in him.

Many people were deeply moved by what they just heard; the young and the old, rich and poor, everyone were shocked to hear how anyone can be this pure of heart and kind as a little girl who had partake in the stoning spoke up with troubling question in mind, "why can't you destroy everyone who is immoral?" She said it with nervousness in her voice.

Sadness sprung onto Seth from this question: "Because then I would have to destroy you, and I wouldn't want that to happen," causing others to murmur one another once more at this shocking revelation: "It would be hypocritical of me to turn my back on someone who never knew any better. Everyone deserves a second chance, and all who are currently standing with me are sinners just like everyone else." The truth had hit them hard before continuing once more.

"Everyone is condemned to hell as separation of God regardless of how righteous they are because this world has already fallen into sin, and no amount of good deeds in this world alone will be enough for anyone to gain access to heaven, none...except salvation."

The crowd's eyes widen from this, wondering how that is possible if that is the case. "What is salvation?" The old woman asked, questioning the possibility of achieving salvation itself, "Does that mean, even though we have sinned in the worst imaginable way, we can still redeem ourselves through this...salvation?" Confusion still rang in her voice.

Nodding happily, he began to explain thoroughly what it is and how to achieve such a thing. "Every man and woman who walked onto this earth are sinners; no one can live in a sinless and perfect life nor anyone is immune to sin," he explained carefully with understanding in his heart. "This is the reality that we live in, and as such, salvation itself is only possible through me," looking around while addressing this with great care.

"Because of that problem, my father sent me here to be the final sacrifice so all those who believe in me will be in heaven," he exclaimed cheerfully. "Once you truly believe and trust me as your Lord and savior, then you will be forever saved no matter how much you forsake me; your soul is bound to the kingdom of God eternally." Relief brought relief to people upon hearing this wonderful news, as many cheered in joy of redemption.

Cinder smiled widely at the prospect, but she nonetheless felt guilty about everything she had done. Kneeling down, kneeling down with both of her knees onto the floor, "What can I do? What could I do to fix the things I have done?" She extended her hands towards him, which the holy man accepted in his.

"Forgive yourself, if you do; I will do the same as well," the Lord of Hosts held her hands within his own, "then seek forgiveness from others if you can," turning his head to the boy, "starting with him," and smiling at the shocked boy.

Letting go, she stood up and turned to the boy. "Solomon, was it?" Cinder questioned me with weary eyes. The angered teen looked at the queen with a piercing glare but nevertheless remained quiet due to his growing anger at the sight of this bitch.

"Yeah..." Narrowing his eyes, Solomon clenched his fists in attempts to quell his burning hatred and rage within him. "What do you want from me?" Trying to sound neutral and composed as much as he can.

Cautiously, she walked towards him before bringing both of her knees onto the ground once more. "Do you forgive me?" The question had brought Solomon into a mix of various emotions building up inside: uncertainty, fear, frustration, anger, and so on.

Raising his hands together with open palms, his fingers twitched incessantly from irritation as he desired to choke her on the spot, but he hesitated, knowing that his father wouldn't want that. Grinding his teeth, he fought back all the fury and hatred that still burned in his heart.

Seeing his enraged state, she closed her eyes, accepting the inevitable. Whether she will die at the boy's hands or not, it is deserving of all the suffering and misery she inflicted on so many lives. Too bad the prime minister and her two children did not come here to follow Seth's benevolence.

Then she expected something different; her eyes immediately opened to see Solomon embracing her. "What...?" She was stunned by the child's sudden action as his arms wrapped around her body while her own tears poured down uncontrollably.

Withdrawing from his embrace, he took a step back before looking at the woman with calmness all over his face. "In order for me to become a proper Christian, I can and must forgive those who wrong me," he said, smiling slightly at his own response. "While your actions can't bring back the people you killed or harmed in the past, at least you can make a brighter future."

Seth felt his whole world lighting up in delight. "I'm so proud of you, Solomon," seeing his beloved child is doing better than ever as he could have ever imagined, "now there is one more important lesson I must give you all," everyone's eyes turned to him; even the queen herself stood up and turned with a look of confusion and anticipation altogether.

"Spread the glorious news; tell every man and beast of my teachings." As he said those final words, the gate of heaven from above opened, revealing all its heavenly light onto this world in display of the divine grandeur of what lies beyond.

Light, shining in such brightness that it can blind anyone who lays their eyes upon its pure glory, is not as dazzling as the sun or any stars across the galaxy. It is so beautiful and radiant, so warm and peaceful that its magnificent presence itself can only be described by mortals as divine beauty.

Music and joyous laughter can be heard from above; voices singing with melody are enchanting and graceful in a way that is utterly indescribable to any person who sees this heavenly phenomenon. These songs were accompanied by the sounds of angelic choirs as they sang along in harmony.

There are so many possibilities, so much happiness, and so much peace. Such things cannot be described by anyone other than experiencing them directly in the flesh itself. The gates of heaven open wide like the giant mouth of an ancient creature that only existed in mythologies and legends, except this time it is real.

Then Seth began to levitate, moving upwards as everyone panicked and yelled for him to return, "Lord, Lord!" The priest questioned loudly as they watched him ascend to the heavens above, "Where are you going?! Come back!" He begged helplessly, tears falling out of his eyes.

One by one, people cried out to him.

"Don't leave us!"

"Please, don't go!"

"We still need you!"

"What will we do if you leave?!"

However, Solomon and Cinder knew that it was Seth's time to return to where his true home is, despite how much it hurts for them to think as they sobbed together while everyone cried out to the sky for their savior to remain on earth.

John the Baptist yelled out to him, "There are still things you have to finish, my Lord! The world doesn't know of your glory!" He shouted in hopes of convincing Seth to stay while choking on his own tears at this sight.

As he reached near the gates of heaven, Seth smiled tearfully at this question. "These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace," he answered loudly for everyone to hear as the crowd continued to mourn over his departure.

"But have confidence; I have overcome the world."

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