Chapter 108

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The Son of God and the saved souls transverse through the burning fires of hell as they preach the good news that He is the light to those who have not yet found the path to redemption. And as they walked through the pits of damnation, more and more souls came to repent of their sins, while others abandoned their pagan ways to accept Him as their true God.

They travel through the land in search of any lost or stray animals that need guidance. But it came with obstacles and challenges, for there are some who did not believe, refused to bow their heads before the Lord, and chose to continue on living their miserable lives of sinfulness.

There are also many who are indecisive, not sure if they should turn away from what they believe in. Seth wanted to save everyone, but it is the person's choice to either follow or stay in their current belief system. So it is important for him to give them that opportunity by allowing their decision to be made with little to no persuasion from him or his followers.

While traveling in this forsaken realm, demons of all kinds tried to stop them. Beasts, monsters, or even their worshipers do everything in their power to stop Seth; however, these fallen ones cannot get close enough before falling down on their knees to the one who calls himself king.

With a sword made out of pure flames and light that glimmered like the bright sun itself of his own infinite power, no demon dared approach him, as they have been reminded of what they have done to be cast away from their own home into this burning inferno these abominations have created for themselves.

Although all things are possible and impossible, anything goes. As everything is made up of these things, God with all his wisdom and benevolence is a mystery in itself, as there are no limits to what is true and false. No one can understand what it means to be truly omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

However, the Son of God is limited in the flesh. By that alone, he is susceptible to whatever the mind or body wants unless he puts effort into resisting something or other. Such as lust and anger, love and hate—they're all emotions that many have a strong affinity for as beasts or men.

"Lord?" Arising question from behind, causing him to stop and turn around to see all the saved souls staring at him with anticipation, "Are we going to save everyone?" He asked, as if wondering whether there's more to be rescued.

The man was dressed in a tattered robe that covered his frail, emaciated form. His long hair and beard were tangled and matted, and his hollow cheeks and sunken eyes suggested a long period of malnutrition prior to his death.

In response, he shook his head much to everyone's surprise; sadness formed on his own face while all their reactions showed confusion at this unexpected answer. "Not everyone can be saved," Seth wanted to say, but having the gift of choosing one's own destiny rather than being thinking robots, it is crucial that they make a choice of what they desire from their hearts rather than have it forced upon them by divine decree. "Only the ones who seek salvation," he answered with a hurtful tone of voice.

Whispers erupted from the crowd as they mumbled to each other; some doubted whether or not he meant to leave these poor people behind, while others murmured about the purpose of him coming to this accursed realm filled with endless torment.

However, everyone agreed their minds cannot comprehend the things God does with His Son, who has generously made sacrifices just so humanity has a way back home to eternal paradise. As they conversed among themselves, Seth turned to where he was facing.

He stared out over the fiery abyss, the vast expanses of Hell stretching out before him, the sounds of suffering filling his ears, and the smells of sulfur and brimstone invading his nostrils. The heat of the place was oppressive, its burning fingers creeping in through every orifice of their bodies as the ground itself was also uncomfortably warm beneath their bare feet, adding to the discomfort.

Seth holds great disgust for this unholy place to the point that he would one day return and alienate the condemned souls of all men if it weren't for the fact that this is the only place these demons call home while being spared by his merciful father.

Anything is possible, and through that, Seth and his army shall return once more to liberate everyone from here; even Satan, who was responsible for bringing sin to the world altogether, "Let us go; I sense a great darkness coming in our way," he announced to the others, causing them to break away from their conversations.

When all things have been subjected to him, then the Son will also himself be subjected to him who subjected all things to him, that God may be all in all.

Then the little boy tugged on Seth's scarlet robe, causing him to look down at him as the boy then ask, "Where are you taking us, Lord?" He innocently question in a curious manner, "When shall we reach the end of this place?" Another innocent question, reminding him of the ones who fell to temptation by the devil, who caused them to become corrupt and evil.

A sad smile graced his lips as he gently patted the young lad's head softly, "It will take awhile longer before we reach the end," removing his hand off his head, "Get behind; I will protect you and everyone else who took up the cross and followed me," ordering the boy, who appeared to be a once noble son based on his clothing alone, "Now hurry and move on; be swift and let your spirit be strong."

Nodding quickly, the child complied and went behind with the rest as everyone huddled together; man, woman, child, and old felt the presence of something evil; a great darkness is heading its way as they can see black smoke swirling all around them.

"What's happening?!" The woman screamed hysterically in fear of what she was seeing.

"Daddy, I'm scared!" Twelve-year-old girl said, clinging tightly to her own father's chest, tears falling from her cheek down as her worried father tried to calm his daughter down.

An old man who wore a fancy silk robe, seeing the smoke cloud coming, shouted in fright, "They are coming to get us!" Fear drenched on his face while holding his cane close. "God, help us!" He was praying loudly as his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Everyone became terrified, unsure of what might happen to them. They embraced, mourned, and cried out of fright. Regardless of their sins and past, they are all children under God's wings and protection, for He sent Seth to spread His word to these people who have turned their backs on Him.

Feeling the ground begin to shake, Seth remained firm and strong, holding his sword tighter than before while everyone else cried out from what they were seeing. The smoke surrounded them like a tornado, and faces formed inside it with screeches and roars as it spun rapidly, closing in on the group.

"My ssooonnn..."

The face of an old woman called out his grandson, causing the young man in his early twenties to turn and look at her in horror and say, "Grandma?!" He shouted in terror when seeing the image of his grandmother, who had died protecting him. "I'll save you; hold on!"

Hearing this, Seth quickly ordered him to stop: "Don't! They are temptations of the enemy; ignore them and remain focused!" However, the man failed to listen, breaking away from the group and extending his hand to the swirling black mass of darkness that is surrounding them.

Before he could place his hand on his grandmother's face, a crowd of people suddenly grabbed him and held him in place. "What are you all doing?!" The young man exclaimed in shock as the rest joined to stop whatever honey words these demons were trying to do.

"Liah..." Another face erupted from the mass, staring at his wife, who looked back in horror. "Save me." He urged, making her lower her guard, "Take me out of here..." Her husband begged, causing her to start moving towards the swirling whirlwind of dark energy, "I need you..."

Taking several steps forward, she reached her hand out towards the swirling face, almost touching it until her twelve-year-old son pulled her way and said, "Mom! Stop! It isn't him!" He reasoned as everyone else followed suit, causing others to prevent anyone from being drawn in.

Seth gritted his teeth from the strengthening darkness surrounding them; he realized these aren't any ordinary temptations, but rather a full-scale invasion coming forth as if it were attracted to his presence alone. He turned back to the crowds, who were holding on on their own against the terrifying dark energy that was trying to convince them otherwise.

Seeing their fearful faces, the shouting and tears coming down from their eyes, the sight alone brought great anger in his heart from what these demons are trying to do. "Enough," he quietly said under his breath, turning his head in front of him.


Raising his sword high with both hands, he brought it downwards in one single swoop while a holy golden energy was released, shattering the barrier that was about to consume the unsuspecting, weak, and tempted souls with ease and dissipating everything apart.

As he did so, Seth straightened himself up, breathing heavily from the exertion of energy. Sweat formed on his brow while blood trickled down the corners of his mouth. Feeling weak, he fell down the hot ground with the sword embedded onto the floor as support, panting for air as his followers rushed towards him, worried.

"Get behind!" He ordered again, "You are all not safe just yet!" His voice full of authority and resolve, everyone flinched at this command and followed obediently, taking steps backwards while the man rose up from his kneeling position, gripping onto his sword handle tightly with shaking arms.

Closing his eyes briefly, he opened them to see themselves in different place.

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