Chapter 6

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Darkness, complete emptiness, and no stars or lights were present in this dream. Everything felt weightless, as if floating in some sort of void while having no clothes on. Despite this, he was seemingly standing on the ground of some sort, but not exactly; it felt as though the said ground or space he was in was lacking any sense of texture or solidity.

Regardless, he raised his arms up, staring at them with surprise. "My skin...its bright red." A weird sensation crept throughout his body from this realization; it's as if he had become some type of statue that wasn't exactly stone nor wood. He wasn't even certain what material his skin was.

"This has to be a dream again," sighing in finally getting the clue as he dropped his arms, "although this is extremely vivid to the point of borderline realistic," expressing some discomfort in having such detailed imagination.

Long ago, this type of vivid dream only happened when he was a child. Now, this? It is something he never would believe would happen again, especially when his adult self now says, "Dream or not, I'll just wait for myself to wake up," telling himself to remain calm and not panic or fear the unknown.

Having founded the first church and temple altogether, he placed the seven holy virtues as an important lesson to follow but not a requirement for becoming a priest or nun. One of them that fits in with being in this place is patience, which he's demonstrating to his utmost ability by waiting for his time to wake up.

Opposite of wrath and impatience, the young man, who is currently twenty-four years old, has shown on numerous occasions that he maintains composure while being aware of the current situation, thus avoiding any reckless actions that lead him or anyone involved into danger or trouble.

Standing motionlessly in deep thought, forbearance, and endurance through moderation are keys to receiving more attention from God's benevolence. When man spreads good works under the Lord's teachings, then the Lord himself will appreciate them more.

So he waited and waited, not letting his mind drift to darker thoughts or the wrath of becoming impatient. Seth stood in silence, quietly watching and observing his surroundings for anything out of the ordinary. anything at all that would alert him to danger or a potential threat.

Or possibly something that would catch his eye.

After hours of standing, he can't even hear anything aside from his own breathing—no sound of a bird chirping, wind blowing, thunder, lightning, rain, or snow. None of that was heard or felt; it's as if the elements themselves are nonexistent in this realm of whatever this place was called.

Nonetheless, Seth was incredibly patient for the most part, and the sudden otherworldly presence caught his attention as his eyes widen in shock at this emotion. He can't describe what kind of presence this is, but it's familiar to him somehow, as if it belongs to something or someone he knows.

It's a very strong one, something that makes him feel uneasy. The presence wasn't in any way good, not at all. So he backed away cautiously, unsure of what to do or how to even react properly when encountering it. But still, not even a sight or sound could be seen or heard; this caused confusion within his mind.

Something is out there; he can sense it clearly within the vicinity. He can't describe it completely because it's only a feeling of sensing an eerie thing approaching near; so far, only itself is being detected; however, there's also a possibility it could be something entirely different from whatever it's trying to do.

Frowning in thought, Seth isn't sure what to do now. Should he go look for it? It is better than doing nothing, as he had already waited for hours, but he's still worried about how dangerous it might be. Maybe the presence itself will pass by without bothering him?

At least, that's what he's hoping for, yet he feels compelled to do it. like a call that's telling him to investigate. And without giving it another second, Seth went to the source. "I need to see why I am here." His tone of voice became serious; determination overruled any rationale that could've kept him safe. "Something is guiding me to follow its trail."

The Child of God wasn't being lured through compulsion but curiosity and choice in discovering what this presence is and how he's feeling drawn by it; like a magnet attracting metal objects, there was definitely no external force influencing his decisions. It's only his will alone that pushed him forward, against better judgment, to find the answer he seeks.

But no matter how far he goes, Seth is simply stuck in this infinite void of nothingness; his echoing footsteps and breathing are the only things that can be heard or seen. "Is it leading me in a circle, or does it simply wish for me to be lost in this darkness?" The young founder wondered aloud.

So he stopped and knelt down with his knees touching the darkened ground, his hands holding together in a praying position, before closing his eyes. "Creator, please give me a sign that this is the right path," whispering in sincere belief and trust as he hoped for a sign, "a sign that this is the right way and that you are watching over me," yet he received none in response as he was only met with deafening silence and empty darkness.

Seth, however, already knew how God spoke. The Lord hears their hearts, not words; they don't have to say it verbally or loudly, as the heavenly father will understand them either way. Moreover, its matter of the presence through faith that God was listening the entire time.

Praying within his heart in a spiritual manner to feel God's answer, Seth reflected on all that he had accomplished and how far he had come to achieve his goals as a person and leader alike. The good and bad things All the lessons learned, experiences gained, failures overcome, mistakes corrected, and lessons applied

Only then will the believer have enough clarity of mind to know that he is being guided, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, whether it is in regards to following this ominous presence or believing in what is most correct about the current situation at hand.

Time flew by for a moment; however, Seth's conviction remained steady for him to pursue his task while his patience and faith were still strong because of the willpower he was showing within himself that was a contributing factor throughout his life.

Then he felt a new, benevolent, and calming presence, prompting him to prepare for what would happen next. Eyes opened instantly, mentally getting an indication of what would unfold. Without a second thought, he got up to his feet and continued to follow the source.

Whether it was the angel, the holy spirit, or God themselves, he knows one thing, and the message sent to his heart was to be wary of what he's seeking, as it isn't pleasant nor good, but one of malevolence he should be prepared to deal with once he reaches it.

As he got his answer from the Lord, Seth was questioning himself about whether he should face this source of presence that was drawing him. Why is he even going there in the first place aside from curiosity to see what it is trying to show him in the first place?

If it is what God warns him against checking for the evil presence for his own safety, then it is probably not worth investigating, but he is stronger than that. He isn't the scared little boy who will flee from confrontation and cry at the corner while begging to have someone rescue him.

Growing up, he became the man that his previous companions wanted him to become. a courageous and righteous leader who takes charge, puts his foot down, and sticks up to himself to defend others around him. The strong guy who never backs down against injustice or wrongdoing of any kind

What will become of him? Seth didn't know or have no clue what may happen, but all he cares about right now at this moment is confronting the said presence that has been bothering him ever since it dared to show itself just to lure him into a place he isn't sure of.

With his hands turning into fists, he braced himself for whatever the malevolent entity was trying to accomplish with him. Is it a test? Or is it a challenge? Nonetheless, he must endure whatever will be thrown at him as he continues to walk without hesitation in mind or soul.

He is not alone; the Lord is with him because he believes it, just as Seth can sense the loving presence of God with him at all times and every time. That is why he is strong, because even when there is no one with him, there is someone who is occupying the depths of his heart to remind him to keep moving forward.

Already he is growing tired, weary, and exhausted while his pace slows down. How much longer until this nightmare ends? Hasn't he spent enough time in here? Its like an eternity he has been wandering aimlessly through the never-ending void, as if trapped inside a cave or hole, unable to find a way out.

Is he doomed to wander through these endless black tunnels forever? Or perhaps it's simply a trickster of some kind—a demon, to be precise—who is fooling him with a false perception of the area while making him believe that there is no exit whatsoever and that he's indeed trapped.

But he reminded himself that God does not tempt anyone to do evil, so Seth continued to cast away these wicked and doubtful thoughts. Shaking his head to clear the disturbing ideas within his mind, the master of creation demands that all should trust and rely on him to bring them deliverance.

Yet it is strange; the presence was growing weak but stronger at the same time, which confused him greatly in trying to make sense of this confusing impression. Nonetheless, he ignored this for the most part, trying to focus on finding the source that called to him instead of thinking of the logic behind it.

Because he is not afraid, he has grown from a boy to a man. Now what will the entity, or perhaps the demon, want him exactly? Seth's heart raced, but he kept marching, taking each step carefully while making sure not to fall into any unseen trap lying about.

Numerous things went through his head, including wondering what monster this mysterious evil one is and what type of demon is capable of calling people through their minds. He doesn't have a clue, but whatever it is, it's really messing with his head.

Then he heard a loud sound, a chewing or crunching noise filled from behind, making him fully stop onto his tracks as it finally showed itself, emitting depravity and lustfulness that made him sick to the stomach, wanting to refuse to turn around to see it and get the answer he desired.

Would it be a wise choice? Maybe not, but Seth is truly interested in who was messing with him the whole time. Some say curiosity killed the cat, but he is no cat but a devoted follower of God, the one and only supreme creator who will always watch over his creations and always have mercy and forgiveness, no matter the sin.

Pouring all his faith and determination into his soul, heart, and mind altogether, he turned around as the young man's once filled with bravery is now full of horror at seeing someone Seth had hoped to never see again, for he let out a horrified scream with his hand instinctively placed on his left cheek.

A terrible scene appeared in front of him—an unimaginable sight that made his mouth gape open. He was unable to take away his eyes because the sight itself was too much for him to handle, as it became too much for him to even handle in the first place.

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